TWELVE - It's Just Bruises!

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New chap hot off the press, finished it only seconds ago!

So it was time the story hit a little complication, this is a taste of what's yet to come...


Soul's P.O.V

Our newly formed group were getting a few weird looks from people at school as we sat on the grass together and people walked past. I was sitting up against the pile of our bags with Abbey between my legs, Josh was sitting cross legged on the grass with Lee in his lap. Ellie was sitting casually with her hands behind her propping her up while she spread her legs out straight together and Jamie laid down with her head resting in Ellie's lap, while Tom laid on his stomach resting on his elbows and Mike sat sideways leaning against his side. We looked very happy and cosy, pity others couldn't agree. A few teachers walked past and frowned at us.

“So how was the first classes?” Tom asked, biting into a juicy red apple. The sun was shining and the grass was a lovely a glow with light. Birds were chirping and the sky was clear, the air fresh. Why couldn't everyone else enjoy this wonderful day? Surely everybody in the school can't be having a bad day all at the same time?

“Boring,” Lee groaned and finished off his choc chip cookie.

“Same,” I grunted and shifted my weight.

“FAGS!” someone shouted and then something came flying through the air and splashed all of us.

“AH!” the girls squealed, and by girls I also mean Lee, and got up. We were all drenched in red sugary liquid now, a big foam cup laid in the middle of our little circle. Mike got to his feet and looked to the small group of boys who'd thrown it. Mike was scary when he was angry, I felt sorry for those boys.

“OH FUCKERS!” he shouted to them. They tried looking tough, but Mike was tougher.

“FAGGOT!” one of the boys at the back of the group screamed.

“COME HERE ARE SAY IT YOU GROMMIT!” Mike roared, picking up a rock and throwing it at them. It missed them, but hit a post and smashed into little pieces. Did I mention Mike was also super strong?

The boys began to scatter, having realised who they were actually messing with, and went to go hide. I laughed and wiped my face on my sleeve. Abbey laughed too and picked at her soaked hair, the red liquid running down her face. Soon the others were laughing too. Josh grabbed Lee by the chin and licked his cheek.

“Mmm, cherry, my favourite,” he said loud enough for everyone to hear. Lee blushed and the group of girls not too far away hissed and left.

“Yeah, go on you sluts, go take your fishy knickers somewhere else!” Mike called after them. Tom snickered and hooked his arm in with Mike's.

“You're so sexy when your mad,” he whispered. Mike beamed and kissed him on the forehead.

“Well I guess we better clean up before class,” Ellie giggled.

“Nah, I'm not going to bother,” I said and grabbed my bag, slinging it over my shoulder and holding onto the handle. Then I grabbed Abbey's bag and did the same.

“To class babe?” I asked her. She nodded and linked her arm in mine and we walked proudly off to our next class. The others did the same. That's what I loved most about them, their courage to do as they please no matter what people think. They're good like that.

Tom's P.O.V

I walked out of my class by myself. The associates I had had in that subject suddenly didn't want to know me. I felt tears itching behind my eyes but I was stronger than to let people think they got to me. The halls were crowded with people rushing home after a long hot day at school. I sighed and made my way through.

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