Mean well and do well are two different things

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Realising how you actually feel and how someone else feels too.. Noticing that despite what I want to believe that someone really does have feelings for me.

I know you mean well,

You know she likes you,

And thinks you like her back,

But I'm not too sure about that,

I see you looking at me sometimes,

See that look in your eye,

That you used to have when you looked at her,

I don't know what to think anymore,

I know you try to push me aside and focuse one her,

But from what I can see,

It seems kind of hard to ignore,

I should know how hard feelings are to ignore,

You never used to see me though,

Not when I could see you,

And looked at you with that look in my eye,

But now you know you've got her,

When I looked at you like that before she came along,

You never saw though,

You never knew,

You still don't,

And you never will,

I'm locking these thoughts,

These feelings away,

For the sake of a friend,

I would never hurt,

I wouldn't be able to bring myself to,

But if I kept thinking like that,

It would end in tears and I wouldn't be the one crying,

She would,

When I promised I'd never betray her,

Or hurt her,

So shut the look,

Turn the key,

Push it to the side and forget about if forever.

Welcome to my life and my thoughts. Poems.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ