Chapter Three: Being The Boss's Little Sister

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Hola!! So glad I can upload again, I didn't think it would be today because I've been ridiculously busy (yesterday I was up at freaking 5:30 for a cross-country meet yikes!) but luckily I had a writing spree today and got this chapter done! Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoy it. Please comment and tell me what you think: suggestions, criticism, questions, anything you want.

Pic of Jer (Henry Cavill) ---->

Gracias! <3 vb123321

Chapter Three

Being The Boss's Little Sister

The trip to Chicago from my house is about six hours, though with Jer driving it only took four. I was basically afraid to look at the speedometer the entire way, especially since it would have involved some awkward looking over of shoulder, since I had chosen to sit in the backseat in an attempt to sleep. Heavy emphasis on attempt; I never sleep well in cars.

Jer and I hadn't left the house until around twelve-thirty because my mother was ridiculous and kept fussing over us, making sure we had enough clothes and food and water bottles to last a seventy-two hour car trip. I just swung the duffel bag I used for track over my shoulder with some clothes and toiletries in it – I mean, hey, spies had to have easy ways of getting stuff that they needed, right? So I didn't need to bother.

Once we had finally escaped my mom, Jer, who was getting antsier by the second, threw our bags into the front seat and got into the driver's seat. I took the hint and scrambled into the back seat, keeping my mouth shut as he started pulling out of the driveway before I had even buckled myself in. My mom and sister-in-law waved from the front window anxiously as we sped down our street.

Butterflies flitted in my stomach; I couldn't decide if I were nervous or excited. Chicago was a cool place, and undoubtedly I'd be seeing it as I never had before, but at the same time the idea of being with a bunch of spies could be a little scary. I still didn't like the image of Jer with a gun in his hand.

Jer kept silent across most of the state, occasionally answering his phone and getting annoyed with whatever idiot who had decided to call him. I supposed they were his fellow spies updating him and hoped that it wasn't Molly, because she was ignoring the fifty million texts I had sent her and I would be very pissed if she were talking to my brother and not me. It was bad enough that she had known Jer was a spy and I hadn't.

The ride was pretty boring, seeing as Jer was basically ignoring me, and the weird thing was that Kate wasn't out of school for two whole hours of the drive, so she wasn't bombarding me with texts. I knew it was only a matter of time before she did, though. In the meantime I gave up trying to sleep and tried to look at Instagram and videos on my phone.

Somehow, after the whirlwind morning I had had, it was hard to concentrate on that kind of stuff, and so I just spread out in the backseat and thought it all over. The whole thing was too crazy to think about for too long, so around two o'clock – still forty minutes at least until Kate started being obnoxious – I decided to take a risk and talk to Jer.

"You know, Molly actually told me ages ago she's a spy."

"What?" Jer's mouth fell open in shock, to be quickly replaced with an annoyed expression. "How many times have I told her to be more careful? When will she learn? I'm going to have to speak with her...getting cocky...ugh, teenagers are so annoying, I wish we didn't employ them..."

I giggled, kicking my heels against the seat in glee. Not only did I usually never manage to surprise Jer, it was also great to hear Molly get sort of yelled at. "Don't worry," I said, as Jer gave me an annoyed look, "I didn't believe her at all. It was still a huge shock to learn."

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