Chapter 29

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    Jellal's POV:

      I was suddenly aware of how dark it had become and how chilly it was. The weather was gloomy like his mood. Salim stood in front of me in flesh and blood, very much alive. He had an imminent smirk on his face. As if he had tricked us all and won.

    "Dead men don't walk." I said my tone grave. His smirk grew wider. "Calm down dear brother. Me standing here is enough proof I was never dead."

"We buried you."

"That was my look alike that I had appointed on my behalf. Who knew that fool would get himself killed?"

"Why would you appoint a look alike? More over what proof do we have that you are not the fake and my brother still lies in his grave?"

He let out a sinister laugh. "Oh look at you all sober and serious now!"

"What do you want, Salim?"

"What was always mine, my throne and my bride."

"None of them belong to you now."

"Can you really assure yourself that I cannot win them over? Let me let you in on a secret, The throne is the harder one to win."

I curled my fingers into fists and anger coursed my veins. There was not a chance in hell that I'd be handing her over to this brute, both my country and my queen. "They're both mine now. Go back to the hell hole you crawled from." I spat.

He laughed again. My anger was amusing him. "Let me tell you a story. I met this beautiful princess on my way to Ajabgarh beside a lake. Her friends and her were vying for my attention. And then just as expected, she took a liking my handsome self. She invited me inside her palace totally giddy until she realised I was Emperor Salim. She was wrecked after she knew it. And not because she was afraid of me but because her parents would never allow me to marry. So I had to come up with this whole war sham and sign a treaty. And I had a really important job in Persia and my look alike screwed up everything."

"You're lying." I said my anger at bay. He had to. She never said anything about him. "Am I, little Jellal?" He asked confident.

"I don't care. You will leave this palace in an instant or I'll kill you myself for that disgusting thing you did 10 years back!"

"Since we're on the point. That wasn't me either. Another look alike whom I killed afterwards. Remember how quickly I healed after your furious drama in which you literally stabbed me? Yeah, you stabbed him. I was doing an undercover work for father, you know because he sent you for your first expedition? He sent me to Iran. To assassinate the prince to be specific. But that look alike was a genius, he paved way for me to be the emperor unlike the dumbass who managed to kill himself." He sighed.

This wasn't true. He was a master manipulator. And he was manipulating me now. I tried to clear my head. None of these seemed true. Perhaps I was dreaming. Salim casually walked over to the fruit basket and bit on an apple.

"I said I don't care. Just get lost from here. I'll pay for you to live luxuriously."

"As luxuriously as an emperor?" His tone turned to sordid, "You are a weak ass ruler, you had the empire for half a year and you manage to bring it to the brink of war? There are dogs literally waiting to tear a chunk or two out of the empire I and our forefathers worked so hard to build. It's better if you get lost, Jellal. You're useless and the whole court knows it by now."

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