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Nine sighed contently and gazed out into the open sea from the top deck. The waves barely jostling the massive Cruise ship.

After the War, much was to be done in restoring what Victor had damaged. But the first problem to be dealt with was Nine herself. She was still considered a threat to the Werewolf community.

But it seemed that one more gift was bestowed on her. As the last Werewolf to have the Royal blood, Nine was protected by law. No harm was to become of her, even though many argued. What was left of the council had agreed that she was to stay alive. But she was not to be part of the council or take any part in Werewolf affairs.

Some packs had put the blame on her and would rebel if Nine were to join the council. But the moment she stepped out of line or showed signs of becoming a Lycan – she would be destroyed by all means. But she didn't care. Nine only wanted to be with Slade and her family. That's all she needed. And with that, she was let free to do what she wants.

And that was learn new things. Slade suggested to travel.

The destination – everywhere possible!

Nine was so stoked to see the world. They already been to many countries, seen so many cultures, and experienced new things! It was so much more than Nine could imagine.

"Isn't that right, Dex?" she whispered and looked to the sky. The sun slowly disappearing into the horizon. "You see me, Dex? I'm finally living my life!" Nine grinned so widely, "I'll learn so many things and I'll never stop learning!" She told him, the wind around her picking up and making her laugh into the wind.

Nine sobered up. Her grin softening and eyes gazing distractedly into the blue waters.

"And one day, I will teach you everything I know. Just like how you taught me." She whispered tenderly. Her eyes then looked back to the sunset.

"But until then, I'll miss you. Thank you for everything you have done for me, my friend." She smiled.

Strong arms wrapped around her from behind and pulled her flush against a warm chest. Nine tilted her head to gaze at Slade. He looked as handsome as ever – the scars on his face from the battle with the Lycan, did nothing to deter Nine away.

He loved her for her scars and she would love him for his.

"What has got my wife so down?" Slade asked, his hands finding hers as he played with the ring on her finger. It's been years since they got married and still he acted like a love sick fool.

Even if Nine was no longer his mate.

Slade still loved Nine as if the bond never broke. His heart and soul was hers and nothing could ever break that. But it was also because of the broken connection that Slade realise that the mating pull was a lie.

From the time of the first Werewolf, it was believed that mates were together because of the bond created by the Moon Goddess but it was untrue. The Moon Goddess had blessed each wolf to find their true love but under the pretence of the mating pull, every soul mate failed to realise that they were the ones to keep the love going.

The pull barely had anything to do with it. It was the love for the other that made soul mates accept every part of their mates. The good, the bad and the evil.

Slade closed his eyes and pulled Nine even closer, tightening his hold on her and leaning his chin on her shoulder.

Yeah...they didn't need the mating pull to keep them together. Knowing Nine was the only one for him was enough for Slade. And he'd fight tooth and nail to keep her close.

Nine sensing a change in her husband, laid a kiss to his rough cheek. "Just thinking about Dexter and how I'm going to tell him about how a ship works." She told him and Slade chuckled, lifting his head to gaze into her silvery grey eyes.

"It's a good thing Dexter has incredible patience because he's damn well gunna need it." He said, loving his wife's innocence. These amazing moments is what he missed out for too long.

It was because of her that Slade decided to step down as Alpha of his pack.

He wanted to spend every second by her side. He was going to keep his promise to show Nine the world. To give her everything she wanted.

And that's why he gave up the title who now belonged to a very surprised Beta.

His best friend was more than stunned when he heard Slade's words. But Slade could only smile at him. Ryan was more than fit to be Alpha and his little sister would surely cause trouble but maybe being a Luna would teach her about patience and gentle compassion which she clearly lacks.

Either way, Slade was done. He had thought about it long and hard in the time he ran away before the war. If he and Nine survived, then he would spend time only with her. No longer would pack affairs stop their time together. Besides, Slade could not go through another soul shattering moment as when Tiyan commanded him to kill his mate.

He did remember that Ryan offered to take control until he returns but Slade refused. He was going to live a comfortable life with his wife and in time, maybe have a few extra feet running around the house.

"Yeah, that's the life for me." Slade whispered heartedly.

The soul mates watched the sun quietly disappear, the last of the light fading away and bring out the black night.

Your human emotions sicken me.

Lycarion's voice interrupting, made Nine smile.

She leaned her head back and closed her eyes. Slade peering down her in curiosity but he too smiled when he knew where she was going.

Opening her eyes, Nine could see her wolf sulking which made her smile widen.

Seeing her happiness, Lycarion stood to his full height but that no longer intimidated Nine.

I will wait. He snarled. You humans cannot stay strong for long. You will always fall and when you do, I will not hesitate to take full control.

Nine peered at him with patience. Even after so long, Lycarion still fought her. She admired his fighting spirit but that only made her try harder.

The Moon Goddess allowed the Lycan to be Nine's wolf on her request. She wanted to show Lycarion the world. He had been with her every step of the way. Made sure she survived, gave her the strength to fight. And now she would return the favour.

"But that's okay because you know why Lycarion," She said, peeking his attention. "As I grow older, I will learn and experience so much. I will go through this world with unclouded eyes and that will make me grow and become stronger."

Then Nine grinned. "But there will be a time when we will separate."

Lycarion perks up in eagerness.

Nine walks towards him. She knows his stubbornness is what kept him from moving away.

She gently smiles at him. "It will be through death."

Nine reaches up and lays a hand on his head. She slowly caresses his midnight fur, his blood, red eyes staring impassively at her.

"But even so, no matter how much you hate me, we will always be together." Her eyes trail to his, where he could see every emotion in her unguarded eyes.

Nine whispers finally, "Together we'll see new things. Together we will move on from the arena and together we'll finally be...free."

The End.


Ta-Da!!! :D Finally tis is done!

Oh and here is your votes a couple of chapters ago.

1 – Nine dies

2 – Lycarion lives

3- Dexter Lives

To bad you guys didnt chose #3!! Coz Dexter would be live and kicking!!!

But anyway, Stay tuned for my next book! It's gunna be awesome!! heehehhehehe!!!! And definitely not cliche! As always *smirks*

Number 9: The Genetically Modified WerewolfWhere stories live. Discover now