Chapter 9

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"Ezio put the tomato sauce on those three pizzas, Shay put the garlic butter on the rest," Marriel ordered first. The two grabbed the correct sauces and then the rubber brushes Marriel held out to them.
"Altaïr, Arno, and I will start putting cheese on the pizzas," Kam announced. Marriel then started to set the oven temperature.

"Haytham, Connor, Edward, you guys will put the pepperoni on after Kam and them put cheese on, fill the whole pizza, leave only the last two," Marriel ordered next.
"Great just what I wanted, to be bossed around agian buy you," Haytham complained.
"Haytham being bossed around is the least of your worries. I am a force to be reckoned with when I'm angry," Marriel scolded.
"Yes like a tiny woman like you can hurt me," Haytham sassed.
"If you don't think I can I have two very well off and strong older brothers. Both of which, if they heard of your back talking to me, well you'd be dead by the next morning," Marriel smirked, as Haytham sagged eyes widening, "Perks of being the youngest and only girl."
"There's more of you," Haytham whispered in defeat. Which sent a few of the assassins, and an ex-assassin into muffled laughter.
"Yes there are more of her, but they are much less, touchy," Kam stated.
"Kam, that sounds wrong," Marriel corrected.
"Your touchy, like hugs and stuff," Kam defended herself.
"That's better," Marriel stated, putting the first two finished pizzas in the oven.

"Haytham are you slacking off, it looks like Edward is doing all the work," Marriel warns, "Do you think I should beat him," She chuckled towards Shay. Who couldn't help but laugh. Shay, Arno and Ezio sat on the bar stools while Altaïr stood off to the side while Kam poked fun at him.

"Why so moody?" She laughed at his unhappy face.
"I'm not moody," He grumbled back.
"Yeah keep saying that, but you are, I can assure you," Kam giggled.
"I am an assassin, I can hide my moods, you don't see anything," Altaïr stated proudly.
"You just admitted you do indeed have moods," Kam smiled. She had won.

"Pizza is done!" Marriel called, bringing out the last pizza, but she slipped up a bit burning her hand, "Ow shi-" She muffled her stream of curses. She set the pizza down and rushed cool water over the finger. Soon everyone came back into the kitchen from the living room where Kam was showing them multiple t.v. shows.
"Are you ok?" Kam asks, grabbing a piece of pizza.
"Fine," Marriel whines, grabbing a piece of one of the pizza that came out a few minutes before, careful to stick her index finger up.
Ezio and Arno mimicked the two girls picking up a piece like they did and biting into it.
"That was hot," Ezio noted casually, but his eyes were watering due to the burning in his mouth from the hot tomato sauce.
"I agree," Arno said, he too had picked from the very hot and freshly baked pizza. Shay and Edward both grabbed the pizza that Marriel took from. Which didn't contain any burning tomato sauce. Connor and Altaïr where the last to fit in. Leaving a grumpy Haytham to get last choice.

After eating their fill, everyone left into the living room to watch TV agian, except Marriel who went to go feed the animals. After she came back she took control of the TV. Turning on one of her favorite TV shows.
"What is this," Altaïr asked glaring at the screen.
"Supernatural," Kam replied, "Marriel loves the show."
"It is wierd," Altaïr stated.
"Your wierd," Ezio fired back. Altaïr growled.
"Oi! There will be no fighting when watching Supernatural," Marriel ordered smacking Altaïr.
"So who are these people," Shay diverts.
"Ok so the one who is really tall and has long hair he is Sam or Moose, the one next to him by that sweet car is Dean or squirrel his brother, the one over there," Marriel pointed at the screen, "Is Crowley he is a demon, and king of hell, he is one of my favorites. Also the one that just zapped up behind Dean is Castiel, he is an angel of the lord," She piped happily. Shay just nodded, not really understanding a thing.
"Marriel quit blabbering about your show, I want to watch something!" Kam whined stealing the remote away. Marriel sighed.
"I'll just binge it in my room," Marriel shrugged.
"But I want to watch it!" Complained Ezio, looking at you beggingly.
"Come then," Marriel smiled.
"Can I watch too," Shay asked. Marriel rolled her eyes and nodded. They all exited the room.
"Kiss up," Haytham mumbled from the tiny seat he had been forced to sit in.

After hours of TV shows and bickering, mostly from Haytham, a lot of the men had fallen asleep. Kam carefully moved Altaïr's head from her should and walked up to her room. She passed Marriel's room chuckling, Shay and Marriel asleep, Ezio intensely watching a battle scene. Yawning she pushed open her room's door, but stopped. Something felt wierd. She shrugged it off after it seemed to disappear.

Next morning came slowly, Ezio had somewhere in the night fallen asleep, but remembered to pause the episode before he nodded off. The house was silent and peaceful for once.

This was much shorter. Sorry. This is well Syndicake. But that's not relavant.
I'm sorry I haven't written in this.
Uh me and Kam don't really speak anymore. Nothing bad happened. She just didn't have time. We didn't talk much, she just didn't have the time. And well I made a different account and just found myself in a wonderful group of people. I came back to write this, I know I'm not Kam and this probably means nothing, but the last few chapters and this really made me realize I like writing. And so I came back to write it. If she does find the time to talk to me, I'll be glad to find a message or anything. I have school coming up. But I have no life and almost no friends. So I think I have enough time to write for you guys.

So would you guys actually still read even if it's not Kam? I know I'm not as good as her, but I'm willing to work for it.

And agian I'm so sorry, and I'm so sorry this is so long.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2016 ⏰

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