Chapter 23

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Camila's POV

I was still in the restroom. I was throwing out my stomach for a good 15 minutes then I stopped. I guess I had nothing left.

I just sat there. Inside a stall. Thinking.

Then the door open and someone called my name. "I can see you Camila."

"Then why ask if I'm here? That makes no sense." I can hear his foot steps come closer.

"Please just go away I don't fell like talking or being around anyone right now."

"I honestly can't do that." He responses.

"Please Sebby." I use the nickname on purpose. Hopefully he gets that I don't want to talk to him right now.

"That's not gonna work. But I'll tell you something." I grunt like an animal in response.

"Either you open this door and we talk like civilized people or I will have to force you out of there and kidnap you in order for you to talk to me."

I didn't answer. Right now I was thinking of a way I can get out of this without talking to him.

"You have 3 seconds to make you decision." Okay how about crawling under the stalls? Nah he'll see me. "1..." Maybe I open the door and make a run for it. "2..." Oh! I can text Tony cause he said he'll help me if I didn't want to talk to him anymore. I sent him a quick text.

To: Tony 😎
Help. Girl's bathroom. SOS!

"3..!!" The door burst open and I stand up quickly but soon regretted it. I made it easier for him to throw me over his shoulder.

"Sorry but I did warn you." Sebastian says a little to calmly.

"LET ME GO! SEBASTIAN I DON'T TO TALK TO YOU!!" Why must everyone be at lunch. Someone had to hear my yelling. Anthony probably never even seen my text cause he's eating.

"Sorry no can do." He walks towards the school doors and my heart immediately starts racing. I can't skip school!!

I was pounding hard on his back but it's like he didn't fell it. He was about to open the doors before I hear my savior.

"Put. Her. Down." Anthony says with power behind his throat which I find a little sexy.

"And what the fuck do you want?" Sebastian says in an annoyed look while turning around.

"Camila. Obviously." He points at me. "She texted me to come get her. So clearly she doesn't want to be near you so I suggest you put her down and you can go fuck off or something."

He didn't need to tell him all that even though it's kinda, sorta, maybe, slightly true.

Sebastian carefully puts me down with sadness in his eyes and I start to walk slowly over to Tony.

Tony places his arm over my shoulder and Sebastian angrily walks towards one of the halls ways and punches a locker repeatedly I tell him to stop but he's not listening.

Until I do something completely stupid. I stand in between the locker and his fist right before he was going to punch the locker and he quickly stops his hand in mid air and sighs dramatically.

"I could of punched you." He says while placing his head on my shoulder.

"You can go now. I think I got this handled. Thank you so much. But I'll see you at practice." I say to Anthony and he nods before walking away.

I Met Them In DetentionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora