Chapter 17

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Chapter 17


Isadora did not know how long she had been in the tunnels but she was sure that Colt would have noticed her disappearance by now and would have sent out a search party.

More out of fear that she had betrayed than from any loyalty to her.

She was beginning to think that the tunnels would never end when there was another dim glow of hope in the distance.

Candlelight flickered between the cracks in the wall and as she approached she could hear no noises in the room behind.

Taking it as a good sign, she sheathed her sword and felt around the wall for a lever of some kind which would flip the door and allow her entry.

The bricks were cold and damp under her fingertips and her stomach growled as she yearned for food.

Wind blew across her face through the cracks, blowing her hair out of her face, until her fingers found a small latch which, as she pressed it down and back, the large brick wall slid open and revealed an inter-room.

Quietly unsheathing her sword once again, she stepped forward into the warmth of the candles and found herself in a stately room with thick lush rugs laid out to cover the cold stone floor and a banquet of food laid out in front of her.

No one was in sight as she lowered the tip of her sword to face the ground and the door shut behind her; leaving her entirely alone with no exit.

But she had seen worse. However she had never seen so much food so, taking the opportunity, she stepped forward and began to indulge herself.

She was still in the castle, she could tell that much from the stone surrounding her, which meant anything inside was hers as she was Colt’s second in command.

The entire country had heard of his betrayal by now and surrounding kingdoms were undoubtedly locking up their doors.

Sinking her teeth into a thick chicken leg, grazing the bone, she moaned as the still-warm meat rushed down her throat and settled in her stomach; easing some of the discomfort which hunger brought with it.

“You are here,”

Dropping the chicken to the floor, she twirled around and pressed her sword against the throat of the person that had spoken.

It was the red-headed maid from the hall that Isadora had followed.

Izzie watched the young girl with confusion; no one had been able to sneak up on Izzie before and she placed the slip up to her hunger when in truth she knew she had been hungrier and more desperate at times before this and still she had not slipped up then.

“Who are you?” Izzie tilted her head to the side to see around the long blade of her sword which was tipped against the young girls’ throat, her eyes staring down her blade with fear.

“Marri- Marriane,” she squeaked, “You’re her,” She whispered in wonderment.

“Does anyone else know we’re here?” Izzie asked, looking around the girl to the closed door behind her.

“No,” Marriane shook her head furiously, “You must be kept safe,” she widened her eyes at Izzie.

Seeing no threat in this girl and suspecting she could get further without the threat of force, she sheathed her sword and stared at the maid in wonder, “I can take care of myself,” Izzie turned back to the table and grabbed another fresh chicken leg to eat.

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