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Aaron leans against the doorframe, his arms crossed over his chest. "So when did you start, again?" He asks me.

"Monday. I don't think I've ever been so nervous for something in my life." I pick up an earring and put it in my ear.

"I remember my first day as an intern," Aaron says. "I was so scared, man."

"Hmm." I know my job is nothing like his, but I don't say anything.

"Our reservations are at six, Rosie, we're going to be late." Aaron taps his watch, sending me a teasing glance.

"I know, sorry. Let me just...' I grab a tube of lipgloss and swipe it across my lips. "There. Let's go."

Aaron smiles and I follow him out of the apartment, locking the door behind me. It's Saturday night, Aaron's night off. I'm glad I'll get to spend time with him before I go back to work. The rest of the week went by pretty fast, and Zayn and I talk most every day. I enjoy talking to Perrie and Lana, too. I've done my best to ignore Harry, and from how the rest of the week went, he's been ignoring me, too.

We get into Aaron's car and I lean back in my seat. The night is crisp, but not too cold. The sun is sinking below the horizon, streaking the sky with orange and pink, stars peaking through the wispy clouds.

"Chilly out," Aaron comments as we drive along.

"Yeah," I say. "Sometimes we get snow, but not always. It does get pretty close to freezing, though."

I shiver. "I hope my place has good heating."

Aaron chuckles. "Yeah."

The rest of the drive is silent as I look out the window, watching the lights of the city.

"Portland is beautiful at night," I muse.

"Mhmm." Aaron drums his fingertips on the steering wheel as we stop at a red light. His dark hair is styled up with gel and his blue eyes focus on the road. He wears a plaid shirt and jeans.

"So...where are we going?" I ask, breaking the silence.

"A nice place along the Willamette," he tells me. "The river is beautiful at night."

I nod. I hate how Aaron and I always seem to run out of things to talk about. I open my mouth to say something else, but Aaron beats me to it.

"Here we are," he says, pulling the car to a stop. I close my mouth and get out of the car, following him up to the restaurant.

The hostess seats us by the window and I marvel at the river. The waters lap the banks calmly and I can see lights from buildings on the other side of the river. Aaron doesn't give it a second glance as he peruses the menu.

I open my own menu and skim down the list. I notice the high prices of all the dishes and hope Aaron lets me pay for my own. I couldn't ask him to pay such an expensive bill.

Just as we're about to order, Aaron's phone buzzes. He picks it up at lightning speed, his eyes scanning the screen.

"Shit," he says.


"I have to go in. One of the other interns got sick. Go figure." He half smiles. "Can I get a rain check?"

I look at him, horrified. "Aaron how am I supposed to get home?"

"I'm really sorry, Rosie, I'll make it up to you, I swear. I just really have to go--" He gathers his things and begins to stand.


"I'm sorry, I have to go--"

I clench my jaw. "Fine."

Aaron's eyes soften. "Rose, don't be upset."

"How can I not be? Saturday is supposed to be your night off."

"I can't help it if they need me at the hospital," he says. "What if someone's dying and they need my help?"

I sigh. "Okay. Sorry."

He smiles and leans over to kiss me lightly on the lips. "I'll see you tomorrow," he says. I watch as he quickly makes his way through the restaurant and out the doors without a second look back.

I cross my arms over my chest. How am I going to get home? I can't help but be mad at Aaron for this. Don't they have other interns they can call?

I gather my things and get up to leave. I apologize to the hostess and walk outside, breathing in the cool air.

I lean against a wall and decide to people watch before I call someone to pick me up. It's not like I know anyone that well around here yet. I suppose I could call Zayn. I'm sure he'd help, if he isn't busy.

I sigh. Sometimes Aaron is just so insensitive.

Stop it, I say in my head. He's a medical intern. These things are going to happen.

My eyes travel to a bar across the street. I can hear music pounding from inside and hearty laughs emitting from drunken people.

I watch as someone walks out of the bar, hands in their pockets. I squint. No. It can't be.

I quickly turn to go back into the restaurant, but I'm too late.


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