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"She did indeed" Rafael says. "Okay, let's get you off to the dance" he continues as he walks towards the door.
"Can Livvy come with us?" Holly asks
"If she wants to" Rafael answers
"Yeah I wanna come!" She replies enthusiastically.
The three of them walk to the car. Holly gets in the back, Olivia an Rafael in the front.
The drive isn't that long, they don't live too far away from the school.
They pull up outside and Holly jumps out. She insists that she goes by herself because she is a big girl now.
When they watch her walk into the school doors, Rafael turns to Olivia.
"So, do you wanna come back to mine, and we could watch a movie, or do you want me to drop you off home?" He asks
"A movie sounds good" she says with a smile, she knows that he couldn't possibly drop her off home.
"Okay then" he returns the smile.
They drive back to his house and settle down with a movie.
"Is Ted okay?" He asks
"Yeah, I love that film" she replies
Throughout the whole the film the pair laugh until they can't anymore.  Towards the end of the movie, Olivia falls to sleep as she is curled up on the end of the couch.
Rafael sees, but decides not to wake her up. He leaves her a note, before leaving the house to pick up Holly.

Half an hour passes and Rafael returns with Holly. She runs into the house, but Rafael tells her to be quiet, as Olivia is sleeping.
He sends Holly upstairs to get ready for bed.
He then walks into the living room and sees Olivia still fast asleep. It's the first good nights rest she has had in weeks. He sits down next to her and sees that she is sleeping so peacefully. He notices how even when she sleeps, she still manages to look flawless.
She begins to mumble something as she stirs in her sleep. This creates a smile on Rafael's face.
He grabs a blanket from the other couch back, and covers her with it. He tucks her in before kissing her forehead.
"Goodnight Carñio" he whispers before he stands up and goes up stairs to get ready for bed.

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