《 kisses and love letters 》

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When Luke Axelsson picked up a call from an unfamiliar number on a Thursday night, he had no idea it would lead him to a reason for waking up every morning.

His cousin Sigrid had accidentally locked everything in her car outside a supermarket. It was dark and the parking lot was almost empty. Distraught, she started to head inside for help, but not before she was interrupted by a creepy man who didn't understand the concept of personal space. A knight in shimmering armor came to her rescue by pretending to be an acquaintance, pulled her inside where it was bright, bought her a cup of coffee to steady her nerves, and then lend her the phone to call for help.

Luke arrived with the spare set of keys he had in his apartment. He could see the two of them through his windshield, standing and talking animatedly, their silhouettes illuminated by the lit supermarket.

The knight in shimmering armor turned out to be a knightess in strappy stilettos and a pair of skinny jeans. She had a smile that suggested she was everything he had ever wished for. To say she was the most attractive girl he had ever seen would sound trite, but it was the first thing that came to mind. It felt like everything in his life was a buildup to this pivotal moment.

Luke had been with plenty of women but she was of unparalleled charm. She also flirted with him pretty hard.

"For the record, I had no idea Sigrid had a cousin who looked like this when I offered to help," she said, flicking her gaze over to his face. He noticed her eyes were hazel.

"You're incredible. Not many people would let a stranger borrow their phone. You're very brave, too."

She shrugged. "I did what anyone would do. I just happened to be there."

"I think most people would look the other way. Especially in New York City."

"I have faith in humanity." She had a Saint Laurent clutch in one hand and two packs of microwave popcorn in the other. She told him her name was Flora.

"Like the Gucci perfume?" he asked.

"You're the first person who's ever said that," she said. "Most people tell me it's a brand of margarine they sell in Europe."

"Luke is a commercial lawyer," Sigrid said, fulfilling her role as his best wing woman. "He specializes in intellectual property rights and lots of his clients are in the fashion industry."

"Sounds like a dream job," Flora said. "I love the fashion industry."

Luke took this moment as a good time to hand out his business card. Flora glanced at it before she slipped it inside her purse, her fingers still holding tightly unto her packs of popcorn.

"Are those any good?" Luke nodded towards her hand. "I hope that's not what you're having for dinner."

"They're horrendous. I just eat them sometimes...for sentimental reasons." She straightened herself. "It's getting late. My roommate is waiting for me to start watching Sex and the City for the eighteenth thousand time and she has pizza ready."

"We'd love to thank you with a dinner sometime. When you're free," Sigrid said, and Luke promised himself he'd get his cousin anything she asked later on.

Flora gave a nonchalant wave. "No need to thank me. It's a pleasure meeting both of you."

"Can I give you a lift home?" Luke asked.

Flora's eyes swept over his vehicle and she smiled. "I don't get into strangers' cars, even when they're driving an Audi. Great car, by the way, and thanks for offering."

"How about I drive behind you really slowly and make sure you get home safe?"

Flora feigned a gasp. "And find out where I live?"

Kisses and Other NecessitiesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon