Chapter 19: Highway to Hell

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"How'd you two meet?"

The three of us trek up the littered road, weapons out and bags secured around us. Ash and I have our backpacks with extra guns and food and water, while Ellis has a knapsack-type thing with the water and gun Ash gave him, as well as his own food and the chalk he used to "declare war." Ash walks in the middle, between Ellis and I. Since we left the abandoned parking lot, he hasn't said a word. He made it pretty clear he didn't want Ellis tagging along, but this guy was alone. What did he expect us to do? Leave him at the warehouse with quickly depleting food and no water?


"That's actually a funny story," I respond, "But it's also actually not. When my group at the flower shop was attacked, me." I don't add in the fact that one of the guys climbed on top of me...and...well...yeah.

"Oh, that's cool. Not that your people were attacked, but how you two met. I'm sure lots of people will have interesting meet-and-greet stories to share when this whole thing is over."

"Yup," I say under my breath. "And stories of how people got separated." I clamp my mouth shut. Wrong thing to say. But it's true, isn't it? Mine and Carter's story...maybe I'll get to share it with others. People would like to know how it happened, right? And if we ever met up? That might not be a bad idea. But only if I find him. If I don't? Then I'll let our story get washed away with every other awful memory I'm gonna try forgetting after we reach Ostford.

"Ya know, reminds me of a book I read back when books could be used for reading rather than creating fires," Ellis says casually. "Paper Towns. Man, ever read it?"

I shake my head. With senior year coming to a close, Carter and I put all our time and energy into college prep and future planning.

"Well, you'd be surprised by the ending. I won't tell you if you ever read it, but I wonder if your story will parallel."

"So then tell me," I say flatly, "Would you say it ended happily?"

"That, my dear, you will have to discover for yourself."

I shrug. "No more books, remember? The world has ended."

"Ya really think this is it?" Ellis's Southern drawl thickens. Oddly, it matches his sleeveless blue shirt and ratty denim pants.

"No, but I also think things won't be the same once it's over."

"Hm." Ellis nods, keeping his eyes on the ground as the three of us climb over a fallen streetlight lying straight across our path. This part of the road is heavily dense with dead bodies and crushed vehicles. I keep my eyes ahead of me. Ash helps me over a fallen streetlamp, holding onto my free hand until my feet are planted firmly on the other side.

"Stay hopeful," Ellis says finally. "Can't be over yet."

I want to argue that I am hopeful, especially since I don't doubt Carter's survival. But then again, I'm not so sure. I'll find Carter and we'll go on to try finding the cure, Ash and possibly Ellis tagging along. Is that really hope, or is it just a distraction from the feelings of hopelessness that will likely linger until we actually see hope for ourselves?

"So what kind of music do you listen to?" Ellis changes the subject. I don't know who his question is directed towards, but Ash has his lips pressed tightly together, so I'm guessing he's not planning on getting involved in our conversation at all.


"Huh. I'm more of a Taylor Swift guy."

I look over at him skeptically. "You are?"

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