Just Your Classic Ch. 21

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Authoress Notes: Hello everyone! Thanks for getting me to 1,000 reads on this story!! I'm so happy :33 

Chapter Song: Welcome To The Masquerade by Thousand Foot Krutch (It sort of goes haha)



I woke to my alarm and I sighed. School had started yesterday and I was very sad no more Christmas Break. I shut my alarm off and got ready for school. I wore a pair of pants and a tank top under a hoodie that I took from Sam. 

I put my hair in a low pony tail and I brushed my teeth and I was to go. My phone buzzed and I looked at it and it was from a number I didn't know but the text read if I could give them a good time. I was pretty sure they had the wrong number. I texted them back saying they had the wrong number.

I slipped on my boots and picked up my bag and was out the door. I got to my Mustang and was freezing by the time I was halfway to school I had some heat in the car. I parked next to Lane's car that Sam was driving since he no longer had a car.

I got out and made my way to the others. I noticed people are pointing at me and talking. I shrug it off and I get to the others. They don't look happy and Sam looks really pissed.

"Hey..." I greeted and slowed my pace when I came over there.

"Mia!" Lily pulled me to her and Molly glared at anyone that looked over to us.

"What's going on?" I ask.

"N-nothing!" Lily laughed nervously.

I detach myself from Lily and walk over to Sam.

"Sam?" I ask.

"Everything is fine," he tries to smile and kisses my cheek.

"Okay, can we go inside it's freezing!" I say and make my way to the door.

"O-or we can skip school today!" Lily pulls me back.

"Lily you know we can't we have a lot of tests today." I laugh, how could she forget I had to study with her yesterday.

"We can make those up later or something," Lane came over and was moving me away from the door.

I was getting suspicious and I looked at everyone. I pretend to agree and once they let go I ran to the school. I came inside and it seemed fine. I moved to my locker and then stop. Spray painted on my locker was Slut in red. I look around and I notice the fliers with a photo of me and saying to call me to have a good time.

I look around and see everyone staring at me. I felt someone pull at my arm and I turn to see Sam. He pulls me to the roof and it's quiet as we make out way there. On the roof is everyone.

"What is going on?!" I ask them.

"Someone's cruel joke," Alex is the first to speak.

"But why? I haven't done anything." I look at them.

"We know but someone thinks you did and are warrant to this damn joke," Sam spats out.

(Sam's POV) 

I was so pissed off, I wanted to find the person who did this and send them to the hospital. Mia didn't deserve this and as she talked with the others I just got more furious. 

"I still need to go to class," Mia looked like she was trying to be brave.

But I knew this affected her a lot. "No, until we find out who did this it's best if you stay home." I said.

"No, then the person wins right?" Mia looks at me.

I glared at Mia, "You are going t go home."

"Sam if she wants to stay let her," Alex looks at me.

"If anything happens to Mia I kill personally kill you guys, stay with her at all times." I turn to walk out to see who did this.

(Mia's POV) 

When Sam walks out ti was quiet. I look over at the others and Alex ran a hand through his hair. I couldn't leave school to me it means who ever did this wins.

"Alright, Lane let's go." Alex walks and Lane lightly pushes me to the doors.

"See you in second hour!" I hear Lily shout. 

I follow the boys to math. And everyone looks away when Alex or Lane looks at them. Class was normal except the teacher looked at me with disgust. I ignore the look and took my test. After math I walked with Lane to our next class and Lily was by the door waiting.

Again I got a disgusted look from my teacher. The teacher had to make a few copies for our worksheet. I then over heard some girls talking about me.

"Why is she even here?" One girl said.

"She should leave, she slept with my boyfriend! I really want to hit her but she is always with Lilystone or Molly. Mia is nothing but a slut." The other girl said.

I look down at my desk, I never slept with anyone! I am still a virgin, the only boy I've been with coming here is Sam and only Sam.

"Keep talking and I will make sure you are sent to the hospital." Lily glares over at the girls. 

They shut up for the rest of the class and Lily looked scary saying that. Lily walked with me to Choir and we met up with Molly. Sam was skipping and I was guessing to find out who started this joke.

Mrs. Hathaway didn't seem disgusted with me. Instead during our free time she pulled me aside.

"Mia how are doing?" She asks with a kind smile.

"Fine," I try to smile.

"Oh Mia, I'm sure this will blow over soon. I know you are not what the students say, that I can see." Mrs. Hathaway said.

"Thanks, it means a lot." I said.

"If you need to talk to someone my door is always open." Mrs. Hathaway walks back to the room and I follow and sit in my sit.

Molly and Lily ask what Mrs. Hathaway said to me and I told them and they smiled.

"I knew there was a reason I liked her," Molly nods with a smile.

"Agreed," Lily smiles also.

I was glad had one teacher who could see that those rumors and fliers wasn't the real me.


Authoress End Notes: Well Mia is brave to stay in school if it was me I would be gone and half way to Alaska. Next update will be out as soon as I write it!

Just Your Classic Shy Girl Meets Bad BoyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang