Chapter Nineteen: The Council

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'The time is coming. You must rise. The past is the key, the future is locked.' A voice whispers, waking me. I sit up and survey the room. It's empty. The only scents are mine and Axel's. Now fully awake, I crawl out of bed. Axel, for once, did not have me trapped. All I had to do was remove his arm.
I shiver as the cold air hits my damp skin. I wasn't even aware that I was sweating, must have had a nightmare. I crawl into the little window nook and stare out the window. It's still dark out but the moon casts some light. The outside doesn't look as inviting from the window as it usually does. The empty yard has a few children toys splayed about, giving it an abandoned look.
The woods look dark, like anything could be lurking in them. I suppose anything could be. It's strange, I grew up out there. I haven't feared it in years, I took comfort in the darkness. I suppose that happens when you are the thing that goes bump in the night. Rogues never hunt much at night, they may growl, howl, and run. But most of their attacks are in daylight.
"Krissy! Krissy, where are you!"
"Over here Mommy!" I yell running out of the woods and to Mom who wears blue overalls and a white shirt. Her red hair flowing free. She kneels to my height and hugs me.
"What'd I tell you about going into the woods without me or Daddy?" I bow my head in shame.
"Not too. I'm sorry, Mommy."
"It's okay, baby. Just don't do it again."
The next time I went into the woods without Mom or Dad was the night Kate dragged me through them. I don't remember much of the run. Tears had blurred my vision and all I could hear was screaming. My mothers, I think. I look down at my hands. I've washed so much blood of them. I pull my knees to my chest and tuck my hands in between my legs and my stomach. Resting my cheek on my knee, I look over at Axel who is sleeping soundly. He doesn't have a past that haunts him. The killing doesn't haunt me, my pack, my sister does though. If I started fighting earlier, I could have saved her. Could have gotten Mom and Dad out of there.
Axel lost his parents a few years ago. I lost mine long before that, he moved on. I didn't. But he lost his in an accident. Mine were murdered. I can't let that go. Axel moves in his sleep, and I turn to look out the window. Is there truly a Moon Goddess? Would she be a cruel as she is to me if she was real? I saw my pack killed at eight, at nine, my sister was killed, and a few months before I turned ten, I killed for the first time. If the Moon Goddess has a plan for all of us, why is mine filled with so much blood? If she cares about me, why do that? That pack did not deserve that. Kate did not deserve to die in those woods, alone. That was my fault. I shouldn't have listened to her. I never listened to her.
I lean my head against the wall and lock my fingers around my knees. If there is a Moon Goddess, she is a monster. She is not someone who deserves my faith. I prayed to her when the rogues came, I prayed for protection of my family. She offered no protection. Kate was the one who protected me.
The night turns to day and the birds start to sing. It's going to be a rainy day, I can tell. The night refuses to give up to the day completely. My mother loved these days, they were designated lazy days. We would spend the day watching movies or watching the rain, and that night we would order food instead of making it. Sometimes Dad would get out of work to spend the time with us. I loved those days.
Axel starts to wake up but I don't turn my attention from the window. I expectantly stare at the clouds, daring them to let the water down. Like my mother, I love the sound of the rain. It's even better when you are in the forest when it rains. It's like music.
"How long have you been there?" Axel sleepily asks me. I shrug still looking out the window. The woods still look different. Maybe it is only because I'm usually in them when the weather is like this. I start to feel a tugging in my stomach. I miss being out there. Being as free as one can possibly be. Nothing but trees. "Couldn't sleep?" Axel inquires of me. I once again shrug as a answer. I hear a sigh and the creaking of the bed. A second later I hear running water from the bathroom.
Eleven years later, I'm casually sleeping in the same bed as an alpha. My father would be proud of me having an alpha mate, if it is true. A Beta's daughter with an Alpha. A dream come true. My mother would be more cautious. She would not trust that anyone will care for her children more then she did. Kate would say she was happy but pull him to the side to threaten him after Mom and Dad had already done so. Laina would be full of boundless energy as she would go on and on about having me as a Luna friend.
Eleven years ago I was dreaming of this. Of having a mate, a normal happy life. Strange how much has changed in those years. The water shuts off, I still don't move. Wouldn't it be nice to wake up and it all be a dream? A nightmare? My packs alive, my sister and I still argue like we did. Mom and Dad are waiting at home for their girls to come visit. Maybe Kate found her mate in our pack and they took over as Beta. Laina will call in a few minutes for a morning conversation.
Why do that to yourself, Kristine? Why make up a fake life? It's only hurting you more. I tell myself. Because I'm right. That isn't my reality. As much as I wish it is, it isn't. They aren't here anymore. I won't get a hug and a kiss if I come home. I'll be greeted by an empty field or by the remnants of burned down houses. Maybe a mass grave. But not a hug and a kiss. Every time I think about how my parents will never hug me, how Kate will never argue with me again. The ache in my heart grows. They shouldn't have been taken from me.
Look at what I became without them. A monster. A rogue. I've killed more times than I can remember.
"What do you want for breakfast, Kris?" Axel asks as he walks into the closet. I can tell my the sounds of his footsteps. My eyes remain on the outside world.
"I'm not hungry." I tell him hoping that answer is good enough. I hear Axel still, he pulls something on before walking out of the closet. By looking at his reflection I can see his worried face. So I don't want breakfast? Big deal.
"You okay, Kris?" Axel inquires, concerned.
"Never better. You get breakfast then we can get to work." Axel huffs.
"Okay. I'll be back in a minute." He promises like I am a child and need to be reassured he's coming back. I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't, though. Every person I've know hasn't come back. Why would Axel be any different? If a rogue or the Council didn't get him, anything could. A fall down some stairs, a car crash. Werewolves aren't indestructible. I rub my arms to fight the chill when the door closes.
I feel like I'm drowning. Answers. Revenge. Deaths. Sadness. Two are for the past but death and sorrow are going to happen. No matter how careful I am.
"THE ROGUE HUNTER, GIVE US THEM NOW." A voice shouts. I can hear it from here. I venture out of the bed room and to Axel's office. Outside the window on the ground, a group of older women and men stand in nice clothing. The Council. I lean against the wall and continue to look at them. One of them stands out in particular, his remaining white hair is combed over his head, his red face is either naturally like that or happens when he's worked up. Axel stands in front of them in sweat pants and a T-shirt. He doesn't even have shoes on.
"What makes you think I have him?" Axel asks them, appearing calm. My heart starts to beat faster as the realization sinks. The Council is here, they've wanted me dead for years. And for once, I'm not sure I'm ready to die. I haven't feared death in years but now I hesitate.
"We have reason to believe they are here. Where did you hide her?" A woman inquires. My heart stops. They know I'm a woman. I can't trick them like I did Axel. They'll search the house and find me. Axel will be punished. Unless...
"I assure you, I do not have the Rogue Hunter. Why would I not turn her in to you? But it seems you kept information from the packs. Knowing that rogue is a female would be useful, Council." Axel tells them, his jaw locked. If I didn't know better, I would guess he didn't know that already.
"Don't try to fool us, boy." The red faced one spits out. "You have her. She is a wanted criminal, you can not hold her under your care."
"I am offended you would think that, Council member Jodia. The Rogue Hunter is dangerous, my pack may be well trained but I would not endanger them by keep her here."
"Why don't you just give me up, you moron?" I mumble under my breath. If he did that he would keep his pack safe. He would receive high praises for capturing me, special treatment. "Don't risk it for me, you idiot." The door swings open, startling me. I look over my shoulder and expect to see the Council even though I was watching them in the yard. Brek and Jax stand in the doorway.
"We need to get you out of here." Jax states, coming into the room. I give them a confused look.
"Why? Why do you risk it all? If you guys hand me over, you guys will go down in history. I'm one girl, your pack is risking everything for me?"
"You're more than that. You're Axel's mate. We would do anything to protect you." Jax says with a grin. Brek just nods. I close my eyes. I might regret this someday. I jump the desk, grabbing a lamp. I bring it down on Jax's head. Brek runs at me, confused. I hit his neck and he falls like Jax.
"I can't let you do that. I've seen one pack fall. I don't need to see another." I tell the unconscious men. Kristine, you're an idiot. You worked for ten years for answers, you're gonna throw that away for a pack you don't even know? Yes. I am.
I dart through the hallways, nearly running into walls as I go. I come to a stop behind two big doors. Outside is the Council and my mate. Axel's my mate, I need to accept that. And being a mate to an alpha means sacrifice and I'm about to make the only one I can. Giving myself up. Axel will find the people who killed my pack, it's okay if I go. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. My last breath of freedom. I grab the cold nob and twist. No going back. I step out into the dreary world.
"I'm the Rogue Hunter." Those four words changed my life.

Word Count: 2,030

Date Published: 12/22/16

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