Chapter 5 : The Nikaah

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The biggest day in a girl's life is the day of her weddding. Adorned in her beautiful wedding dress as she walks down the aisle beside her father, she has a feeling of heaviness in her heart for she is about to leave her parents and go to another house which would be her new home, to create new relations leaving behind the one's with whom she had lived her whole life. The feeling in that moment is what no one can understand except for the girl.

Lying in her bed with her eyes focused on her ceiling, Sidra was feeling the same. With all the nervousness and jitters, she couldn't sleep a wink the whole night as she stayed awake offering nafl namaz, making dua to her Rabb to grant her a happy life filled with love aftr marriage. Offering her fajr salah as she went back to bed to get some sleep as to not look tired in the evening she couldn't help but feel an unknown emotions which was making her heart go restless.

She had tried to offer help to her mother wanting to engage her mind in work but being the bride she was, her mother had shooed her and ordered her to take rest and hence she was on her bed twisting and turning, trying to get some sleep.

The wedding was in the evening, in the outskirts of the city with only a few close friends and relatives wanting to keep the wedding simple, following the sunnah of The Prophet (PBUH) and Sidra couldn't be more happy when Nabil had agreed to the idea of marrying in a small wedding. She was feeling happy that he wanted their wedding to be done in the sunnah style, as she drifted off to sleep with a smile plastered on her lips.


Sidra could feel someone shaking her, trying to wake her up as she swayed her hand to get rid of the disturbance wanting to fall back in valleys of sleep.

"Wake up already! Sidra!" She heard a familiar voice as she slowly opened her eyes to come across a familiar face of her best friend Ishrat who was towering over her. She ran her gaze across her room to find all her friends and cousins gathered around in her room, chatting with each other as they giggled at a grumpy looking sidra.

"I think the bride forgot that it's her wedding today." Her friend Anam spoke making Sidra narrow her eyes at her as she threw a pillow in her direction and sat up on her bed.

"I remember it's my wedding today but I just slept in the morning. Let me sleep some more." Sidra grumpled as she tried to fall back on the bed wanting to fall asleep.

"Darling it's 2 pm in the afternoon and you have to get ready by 5." It was her cousin Rubina who informed.

Sidra's eyes shot open as she sat up straight, shocked and panic gripping her as she stood on her bed and started pacing back and forth to be stopped by Ishrat.

"Chill dude! You have plenty of time to get ready." Ishrat assured making Sidra look at her, as she suddenly felt overwhelmed with emotions. She enveloped her in a hug as she recalled all the moments spend with her. She would be married soon and wouldn't be able to spend time with her as she did before.

"Okay stop! No more being senti. We have to get you ready. Come one!" Ishrat spoke, pushing Sidra towards the bathroom to take a shower and freshen up.

As Sidra walked out after taking the shower, she along with the girls prayed her Zuhr salah and then proceeded to get ready. Her wedding dress was red in colour with heavy golden embroidery along the waistline, flowing down till the botton giving it an elegant and classy look. As she stepped out of the changing room wearing her wedding dress, she proceeded to get her make up done as she sat patiently whil the girl started working on her with her artistic skills.

Her hairs were tied in a beautiful bun and Ishrat help her get her hijab done. The dupatta of her wedding dress was secured around her with dozens of pins to keep it in place for it was so heavy that Sidra found it a bit difficult to handle. She was finally ready and allowed to have a glimpse of herself as she walked to the mirror and lifted her gaze to look at herself. Sidra couldn't recognise the girl who looked back at her for she was looking so beautiful and gorgeous.

The girls went all awe as they looked at her, showering her with compliments and making her go red with all the teasing. She found it difficult to control the blush creeping her cheeks, her jaw aching from smiling continuously. She quickly turned around shen the door opened and she saw her mother walk in through the mirror. Her eyes moitening looking at the teary eyes of her mother, as she ran in her open arms and hugged her tightly.

"My daughter is no more that 5 year old who would fill the house with her cute talks and mischief." She spoke, wiping a lone tear that escaped the corner of her eyes. "She have grown up in a beautiful women and will leave us to go to her house."

"Ammi." Sidra cried in her mother's embrace as her mother caressed her back. She pulled away as her mother cupped her cheeks and placed a kiss on her forehead. "May Allah SWT bless you with a happy married life and give you all the happiness that you deserve. May Allah SWT help you become a good daughter in law and loving wife. Ameen." Her mother spoke, giving her blessings as Sidra mumbled an 'Ameen' and hugged her again.

As they all headed out of her room and descended down the stairs, she saw her father standing in the living room and as his eyes landed on her his eyes glistened. She walked up to him as he engulfed her in a hug placing a kiss on the side of her temple. He wiped a tear that escaped her eyes and walked her to the car which was decorated with flowers as they headed to the venue.

It took them half an hour to reach the venue and she was awestruck at the sight of the beautifully decorated entrance. She was taken to the ladies section and was made to sit on the couch. The baraat arrived and a few moments later, her father walked to her along with the Qazi and Nabil's father. She felt her heart beat increasing suddenly at the thought of giving her consent for the marriage.

The Qazi began reciting the ayahs as she silently listened and then he asked her for her consent. She fidgetted with her fingers when he asked her whether she agree to the marriage with Nabil as she replied with "Qubool hai". She was asked two more times as she answered in agreement and the ladies section cheered up with happiness. Her mother came up to her and hugged her, both their tears falling freely and her father embraced her as well.

From the men's section, she could hear the Qazi ask Nabil for his consent as she felt nervous, her heart thumping loudly aginst her chest. She suddenly started feeling tensed when for a few moments Nabil didn't answered, all negative thoughts coming to her mind. She let out a breath she didn't knew she was holding when she finally heard Nabil answer "Qubool Hai." The Qazi asked two more times as he replied with a "Qubool hai" and with thag the Nikaah was done, binding them both in a relation. She had lawfully become his wife, as her heart whispered a silent 'Alhamdulillah'.

Aftr the dinner was done and they were made to meet the guests, who congratulated them both for their wedding blessing the newlywed with lots of duas, it was finally time for Ruksati. Sidra hugged her friends one by one as they congratulated her and gave her blessing for a happy life after marriage as she then proceeded to hug her mother, her tears flowing freely as she went in her embrace. She felt her heart heavy on the thought of leaving her. She didn't wanted to break the hug but her mother pulled back as she wiped her tears.

Walking to her father as she hugged him, he placed a kiss on her forehead and caressed her back as she led her to the awaiting car. Making her sit in the car, she heard him instructing Nabil to take care of her and keep her happy. A moment later, he felt Nabil sit beside her in the car. She was crying continuously as she didn't even once looked up from her lap. The car ride was silent and as the car came to a halt she felt Nabil walk out of the car. Her side of the car door opened as her mother in law helped her out of the car and led her in the mansion which was covered with lighting and flowers.

Aaniya helped her with her heavy wedding gown as she led her upstairs to Nabil's room. As Sidra entered the room, she made her way to the bed in the centre as she looked around the room. With a king sized bed in the middle of the room, it still was spacious. At the corner of the room was a full wall window which led to the balcony, two doors at the other end which Sidra assumed was a bathroom and a study. Apart from the decor which was of white and black theme, Sidra found his room quite cozy as she sat on the bed, clearly tired.

Aaniya closed the door as she walked out leaving Sidra wondering what her first meeting with her husband will be like, for she was nervous to have been left alone with him for the first time.


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