Chapter 1: The Ceremony

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"Wake up Sophia! You have to get up! Today's the choosing ceremony!"

My sister shouts from downstairs. Oh God. The ceremony. Nothing like starting off your 18th birthday than a barbaric, dated and completely messed up 'celebration'. I don't know why everyone calls it a 'celebration'. It's cruel; the victims can never see their families again, not to mention what goes up in the castle. What the girls have to do. It's disgusting.

When I'm dressed 'appropriately' (all the girls who go to the ceremony have to dress in a clean, modest outfit so that when you get to the castle no one gets angry by what they can see). So I have to wear a cream, button up and neck high dress with by black boots on my feet. My family isn't rich at all, but we aren't the poorest either. Thank god we don't have to sell our bodies and dignity like some of the girls have to. My father and mother own a bakery, the only one in our village, which means that we earn quite alot. Me and my sister help out alot as well but she doesn't enjoy it as much as I do. Not to brag, but I make some if the best pies in hundreds of miles. Although we do live in the middle of nowhere. But I come second to Evangeline in the village next to ours; she's really sweet so I don't mind much.

Once I shovel some breakfast down my throat, me and my sister join the dozen girls who are facing the podium where the mayor will stand soon. Our village is the smallest village out of the other four, which is why losing the three maidens is such a hard loss on out village. Not only because of reproduction, but because we all know each other.

The Mayor, along with his assistant, head up to the podium as he recites his usual speech. "It is such a pity to see the following three of you lovely young women leave our village. We cannot ensure your safety as you leave our walls, but we all hope that you will have a good life in the Castle. You will be missed by all of us. As usual, I will read the three names out, and then those three shall join me on the stage to say your goodbyes." He reaches his hand into the small barrel filled with tiny slips of paper that have our names on.
"Ruby Woods."
A girl with dark brown hair starts sobbing as she walks up to the podeum.
"Lily Silverheart."
A girl cries out for her mother and brother as she is forced by the guards to walk onto the stage.
"And last, but by no means least..."
Please not Amy, please not Amy...
"Sophia Smith."


Hello! So this is my new book that I have been working on while finishing off My BFF or My BF. So I hope that you all like it. If this book is similar to any other books I really am sorry I didn't know and it is a mistake. Also if any names that I use are someone's real names then again, I apologise. I use some names of my friends and change them a bit, or I see a name of TV that I like. Thanks for reading!!
By the way the picture up top is the village where Sophia lives. Xxx

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