Chapter 38: The Trial pt. 1

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Four years of Mock Trail has prepared me for this moment. I'll try to explain some of what is going on if the terms get a bit complicated. These next few chapters will be a bit longer.

Aria's POV
"She arrived safely, correct?" I asked a uniform outside the courtroom.

The trial was to begin in a few minutes. Nick and Chris had already taken their seats in the audience behind the well of the courtroom along with my mother. My heart had begun to beat quicker as the adrenaline rushed though me. I couldn't help the giddy feeling I felt by being in a courthouse again.

"Yes. She was already placed in the witness sections for the Prosecution side. The trial has all been set out. Steve Garret is in the witness side for the Defense. You may enter now." The cop replied, walking me toward the courtroom doors. I nodded a thanks, held the handle of my briefcase tighter, and pushed open the doors of the courtroom.

Instantly, all eyes were on me as I made my way towards the prosecution side of the tables. The judge had yet to enter the room, giving both teams 5 minutes or so to prepare themselves. I made no eye contact with the audience to keep it as professional as possible. Lacey sat to the left of me, and my colleague lawyer sat to the right. His name was Max Hondell.

Hondell and I actually practiced law together back when I had recently received my license. I called him last week and explained the predicament, he accepted my request to help represent Lacey in court.

"All the files are in order, correct?" I whispered to Hondell, as I opened up my briefcase and laid all the documents out. I was completely memorized by now, and ready to kill this thing.

"Yes. Dolton Grey, Steve's lawyer, has already arrived. You know his reputation. This trial might get bloody. Are you prepared for anything that may be thrown our way during court?" Hondell whispered back, pulling his witness statements toward him for a second analyzation.

"Yes. There are a few things I've looked into Lacey's life about that I haven't told her yet. If they do get admitted into court, I will do everything I can to discredit them, but you must make sure that Lacey is briefed about the possibility of surprise evidence. The prosecution will most likely throw this in after our 5 minute recess, and she must be prepared for it." I whispered, but stopped myself short as the doors opened once more and the judge walked in.

Instantly, both the prosecution and defense stood in respect. "You may be seated." She announced.

I resisted the smile that was aching to slip through.

The judge, and half the jury were female.

This was good. Very good.

"May the prosecution rise and state their claim?" The judge asked.

"Yes your honor." I replied. "My name is Aria Lane, I am a Prosecution Attorney, here in court to represent Ms. Lacey Jones. This is my co-attorney, Max Hondell."

"Good afternoon, your honor." Max nodded, sending one of his signature smirks that apparently had an effect on every lady. Half the woman in this bitch were already swooning.

"Good afternoon." The judge replied, sending him a smile back.

You see, court was basically a formula. Whether you are guilty or not, if you play your cards right, it doesn't matter. The jury is the field for manipulation, if you get more than half of them to like you, their opinions become bias. This is why lawyers care about their look and demeanor so much, we're all here to play the game. Some play it better than others, some close more cases than others. It's never really been about the innocence and guilt, because with our system, your innocent until proven guilty.

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