Cupid's Arrow

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Title : Cupid's Arrow
Author : Angelish04
Genre: Teen Fiction
Status : Ongoing
Parts: 12 parts

Every girl has a type of guy . A guy that is everything they have ever wanted. But what if the guy you thought was your everything turned out to be everything you have hated. And the guy you thought could be the worst turned out to be everything you wanted .

Every girl need someone she can go to for help --- Someone who knows all the solutions for a little boy trouble. Someone who knows best.

Well for Raven High... Skyler Grey is your girl. She's the 'Cupid' of Raven High.

Skyler Grey is, in her eyes a typical girl. She thinks she's like everyone else. But what she doesn't realise- is that she is so much more.

She is the girl everyone goes to for help. It's not always for help on boys but sometimes it is for help on life. She knows it all ...At least that's what everyone else thinks.

Skyler doesn't mind being the person everyone runs to for help. In fact she enjoys helping people and seeing them happy. She loves her job as Raven High's Cupid.

But something changes. Her life changes from simple to impossible and suddenly she wants out.

Sometimes Cupid needs a little help. She needs someone to be there for her. Someone who can help Cupid become the person she used to be.

Who is that special person for Skyler.... Well in order to find them she might need a little help on life. She knows it all... At least that's what everyone else thinks.

Will Cupid ever becomes herself again or will she forever be the girl who gave up on who she was?


Read her story! It's really amazing!

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