Chapter 29

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Author's Note

Thank you all for 20k reads and for getting this book to reach #76 in the werewolf genre! 

I watched the video above on Instagram and just wanted to show all of you it, because who doesn't love Dylan O'Brien? 


Sera's POV

We were sneaking into Jack's place through the surrounding woods, and let me tell you, I felt pretty cool. All of us were dressed in sleek black clothes, and had weapons hidden on our bodies. Nate had reluctantly given me a gun, and I was nervous to use it. I had never killed anyone, but I would to protect the pack.

"Everyone knows the plan?" Nate asked us all once again before we left.

"Yes alpha," everyone said in unison.

"Okay, we're leaving, hopefully no one will get hurt, but if they do, then we will bring all the bodies back home." It was honorary for dead pack members to be buried in a pack cemetery, and flowers would be placed over their graves every day. 

As we all left, some of us shifted, while the others didn't. I wouldn't shift unless I had too, because I didn't want to reveal that I was a white wolf. Fifteen minutes later, we were approaching Jack's place, and my hands were shaking with anticipation and nervousness.

"You okay baby?" Nate rested his hand on my shoulder.

"What happened to calling me baby-poo?" I tried to lighten the mood.

"The poo part is too long," he moved his arm so it was wrapped around my shoulders. "Plus Kurt told me that the name is starting to get weird."

"Yea," I turned to face his chest and hugged him. "Don't get hurt poo-face." Another group would attack from the front, while the other one would sneak in. I knew a lot of people were going to get hurt badly today.

"You too baby," he kissed my forehead before pulling away and grinning. "We'll be fine."

"'Kay." And with that, the attack started. 


Liam's POV

I sat there, waiting for Nate's warriors to infiltrate our fortress. They weren't going to win. I knew what they were doing, and I was going to stop it.

"Son, you sure this will work?" Jack had been doubting what I was planning to do.

"Of course." It had to work, I would die if it didn't. I got up and left the room to go to the dungeons. Who knew that a stupid little pigtailed girl would push Nate to finally start fighting with me?

"Liam!" I turned around to see Jack calling for me. "Don't kill the girl."

"Which girl?"



"She's my daughter."

"What the hell?" I immediately bowed and apologized. "Sorry, I didn't mean to disrespect you father."

"She's your half sister, I gave her to some random people to raise her. Thought that she would come out better than you and your failure of a brother. But today you'll be my favorite child, right?"

"Yes father," I bowed my head down again and stood up to go to the dungeons. This had to succeed, or else I would die. 


Sera's POV

The whole field was filled with fighting wolves, tearing each other apart and I kept wincing as I saw more and more bodies drop onto the grass. I couldn't tell if we were winning or losing, but I hadn't spotted any of our warriors on the ground yet.

I jumped in to fight, and I saw wolves start to approach. I used my gun, filled with silver bullets, to shoot them. I had shot at least three of them down before one of them knocked my gun out of my hand. The wolves growled and jumped over me. They snapped their jaws in my face and tried to bite me, but I held them back.

Should I shift?

I threw a punch at a wolf's head, and he grabbed it and twisted it back. I screamed with pain, it hurt so much. It was like bumping your toe into a door times fifty.

Should I shift?

Another wolf, whose fur was a muddy brown color with darker brown speckles. The color would've looked nice except for the fact that his fur didn't look groomed or cut. It might be surprising, but wolves had to brush through their hair and clean it so it wouldn't end up like crap. Once he got dangerously close to snapping my neck, I decided to shift.

When my skin changed to white fur and my nose turned into a snout, I saw the world differently. Everything was clearer and I could smell anything, including all the blood that had been spread across the ground. 

I ripped the wolf off of me, and growled at the others who stood around me. But oddly, they weren't moving, they were just staring at me in disbelief. I was standing there, with wolves surrounding me, and I looked up to see Jack striding towards me, grinning.

"Well, well, well," he said while clapping. "Look who's here."

What do you want? I mind linked him and growled.

"The question dear, is what do you want?" I made a confused face. "I want you to come back with me, and talk about some things."

I want some answers to whatever the hell you're doing. I growled at him and bared my teeth.

"I'll tell you one if you agree to follow me."

I nodded my head. I didn't trust him, but I knew what my wolf was capable of, and she could kill these wolves easily.

"You're my daughter," he smirked once he saw my jaw drop. A few awkward seconds passed with us both in silence, staring at each other. 

What happened to my mother? I was glad that I was mind linking him, I would've choked on my words if I had to talk to him.

"She was a sweet person, the alpha's innocent little daughter, her name was..." Jack snapped his fingers. "Jane, yea Jane. You were conceived in her bedroom, and her dad almost caught us doing it." He smiled as if remembering good memories. "She was my mate, but you and I both know that doesn't mean anything to me." 

Where's she now?

"Dead." Tears dropped out of my eyes as I realized that I would never get to meet my biological mother. "Now, I told you some stuff, so you have to follow me." He gestured to the wolves around me. "Shift, then they'll take you."


My Mate is a MonsterOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora