Chapter 49

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"I don't know why he'd just leave," I told Jayvion. I woke up this morning, thinking that Theodore would still be here with Princess, but I found out otherwise when I went searching all over my condo for him. He packed up their shit and they were out of here almost as soon as Jayvion went to work. "I know we got into it last night but he shouldn't have just left without saying anything."

"He was probably pissed at me. I saw the way he was checking me out this morning and he's probably just pissed that you're here with me."

I sighed. "I know it's difficult for him to see me with another man, but he himself can tell you the shit I went through with his Father but I'm happy here with you. I don't know why he can't accept that or accept that I want him to go to college and be able to get an education."

"Speaking of college," Jayvion began. "I kind of looked into that little plan of his. I remember hearing him say something about a King."

"Yeah," I mumbled.

"Well it didn't click with me until today at work the King he was talking about. I heard about King while I was still in school and even before that but I thought that guy was just a myth. I never knew he was actually a real person so I went and dug a little bit deeper today, well I tried to. There's not much information on him since he was never in prison or a person of interest, only because he has crooked cops on his pay roll. But an Effrin McDonald was in prison on a drug charge. And I linked McDonald back to King, and I linked McDonald to you."

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, King's my Dad. What the fuck was I supposed to say?"

"You were supposed to say something! You weren't supposed to hide it from me. We're supposed to tell each other everything."

"Well nobody needs to know about that part of my life except for my family. Why don't you just drop it Jayvion? Because it's honestly none of your business."

"Actually it is."

I scrunched my face up. "Actually, it's not. I don't know why you went snooping through my Dad's files but he's clean and he's been clean since I was born. We can speak figuratively since you claim King did so much shit, so we'll say maybe he was dirty and did a lot of shit before I was born but he doesn't do that shit anymore. You know, figuratively," I smirked, making Jayvion chuckle.

"Baby, I'm not here to hurt you, get you or your family in trouble or anything. The state has nothing against King because of how many cops he has on his pay roll. But even if somebody did try to dig something up on him, they wouldn't be able to because the information's so old. I don't know what King's doing now but we don't have shit on him."

"So why are you bringing him up?"

"Because I see the path Theodore's going down and I wanna help him."

I sighed. "He already said he doesn't want to go into law or anything like that. You heard the crazy shit he said last night. He said he wants to be like King, so I'm sure you know what that means."

"In deed I do. I love you baby, and I don't want to see you hurting if something happens to Theodore. I don't mind helping him out if he ever has any legal issues."

I scrunched up my face. "I think you're over stepping your boundaries Jayvion."

"I don't think I am. King Pins get arrested and go to prison for the rest of their lives because they don't have anybody looking out for their best interest but I wanna do that for Theodore. He's young and he's confused because I'll agree, he's throwing his life away."

"I'm not supporting his bad habits."

"You don't have to support him, just protect him from it. I know he's got physical protection but help him get the legal protection he deserves so he's not in prison for the rest of his life. I can help him stay on the streets for as long as he wants to or come clean and not have any of the shit he's doing traced back to him."

So Far Gone (Urban) Book 8 | The Sideline SeriesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ