Chapter 2: In Hot Pursuit

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At the sound of running feet, Suthe straightened her spine and instinctively clutched the recipe book to the front of her beige tunic—as if the binding and paper would somehow protect her against whatever came barging through the door, she thought bitterly.

Other sounds were audible as well, in the form of distant shouting, too far away to be coherent. Suthe's worries soon resurfaced just as strong as before.

The door to the bakery slammed open with a bang, and Suthe jumped, more at the sound than the person who had made it. It was only her mother.

Granted, it was her mother looking like she had just been chased by a pack of giant sand serpents across the desert, but still—it was her mother. That was the important part.

Suthe let out a breath. "What is it?" she asked. Everything would be all right now, she reassured herself—too soon.

A scream rent the air, echoing from somewhere down the street. Wide-eyed, Suthe looked from the window to her mother, who swiftly strode over to her daughter's spot behind the counter and grabbed her by the arm.

"Wh-what's going on?" Suthe asked. The heat from the bakery oven suddenly felt much hotter than before, and the air was thick and hard to breathe. Suthe could feel beads of perspiration as they gathered on her forehead.

"You have to leave, now," Dossa answered, pulling Suthe from behind the counter. Another pleading cry outside made Suthe dig in her heels and pull away.

"Why are people screaming outside? What's happening?" Suthe demanded, twisting out of her mother's grasp.

"Suthe, please—"

"Tell me what's going on!"

Her mother stared at her from a moment, debating, before she finally gave in.

"Chairman Montindele and the Board of Advisors have passed a decree against all druiths in the region," she began softly, and Suthe gasped. "Anyone exhibiting traits of druith craft are to be arrested and sent up north to the capital at once."

Suthe inhaled a shaky breath. "To Isendorn? But why? What have we done?"

Her mother shook her head. "I don't know why they've made such a sudden decision, but it doesn't matter now. You're not safe here."

Suthe took a step back. "We don't know that," she protested. "No one's seen me use my talents before. No one knows about them except you."

"They might not know, but I'm sure there are more than a few already who at least suspect you to have them," her mother shot back. The words stung, even though Suthe knew it was only out of concern for her safety. "This decree has only put fear into the city. Punishment for obstruction of the law, arrest for harboring a fugitive—the consequences go on and on. If anyone even has the slightest doubt that you're a druith, they'll tell the forces who have come to arrest you. I'm not willing to risk it. Already they've gotten Ms. Montiewo, and I'm sure the worst thing she's done is argued with Mrs. Montbade over the price of beans in the marketplace."

"But where am I supposed to go?" Suthe cried. Fear was prickling at her skin and making her mouth as dry as sand. "Someone will see me trying to escape! I can't just run off into the desert!"

A pair of soldiers marched past the front window at that moment, their pointed black helmets gleaming wickedly in the sunlight. Suthe found herself yanked down behind the counter, out of sight.

"Listen to me," her mother said. "Do you remember the time you accidently transported yourself across the city, and ended up in the backyard of one of the mansions on Telengor Street? You need to do that again, only go farther this time, out of Crestdune. That is the only way for you to escape unseen."

Secrets of the Swords, Book 1Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz