Lura - 2

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By the appointed time, Lura still hadn't turned up. Markro wasn't particularly worried, though Hidra had a face of thunder.

'Double shifting. This is the third time she's done this to me in two months.'

'Whoa, hold up there,' Markro said. 'What do you mean, the third time in two months?'

'She just doesn't show up sometimes. Lousy attitude, I tell you. I mean, it isn't the best job in the world, but its money, so why she turns it down, I don't know. It isn't like she can do without it, 'cuz the boss has put her up in one of the two-roomers down Humming Way.'

'I thought you didn't know her address,' I said. She dismissed me with a wave of the hand.

One of the girls had just finished her performance, money thrown onto the stage and a few bags of white powder being picked up off the side. On the other stage the music began up again and one of the guys walked out to begin his act.

'Her address will be in the books,' Markro said. 'I'll get it out of the files, and then you couldn't take a trip over for me, could you? See if she's there, find out what's wrong, and bring her here if you can. We'll put her on in Hidra's usual slot, if we can.'

'No problem, boss,' I said. He punched me playfully in the arm and wandered off.

I jumped behind the bar as many were heading over to us for more drink, and I served as quickly and efficiently as I could. My co-bartender, Werren, was working frantically as well, and didn't take well to the news that I would be ditching him any moment now.

'Absolute bastard,' he said with a grin on his face as he pulled another pint for a guy who had a face that had so many piercings it looked like it was melting. 'I'm going to about die in this lot.'

'You managed before I got here,' I said, taking a note off a customer and slamming it into the register. 'What makes you think you won't be able to handle it now that I'm heading out for a bit?'

'You know why,' he said, looking at me dead in the face. 'It's a Saturday.'

'God bring death upon whoever created Saturdays at Dirty Work,' I murmured, handing over the change to the one customer and taking an order off another.

A minute later, Markro tapped me from behind with a slip of paper with Lura's address on. Yes, we still use paper at Dirty Work. I know, how terribly antique of us. Lots of small businesses do, though it's mostly electronic. It's somehow quicker and feels better, and when you're in a place like Dirty Work, it's all about the feeling, though hopefully not feeling up any of the performers.

'Tap in,' I said, ducking out of the small door under the bar. Markro shut it behind him and began to serve along with Werren.

I hurried along the small corridor and into the main relaxation room to grab my coat. Ashrore was in there grabbing hers as well.

'Where are you off to, my beauty?' I asked. She cast me a cynical smile.

'Region 43. There'ssss a nicccce painting the bossssss wantssss ussss to check out.'

I sighed. 'One day he'll acquire it properly, stash it away for a bit and make just a small profit on something like that. I assume he's also asked you to look at the security around it as well.' Ashrore gave me a look that said 'oh but of course,' and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek before leaving the room.

I didn't have my gun in my pocket, and didn't think I would need it, but decided I would run back to my apartment for it regardless. I didn't know what the hell I would be heading into. I turned the light off on my way out.

Dirty Work: Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now