5. I'm Sorry

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Autumn presses her head against the bars of the cage. She couldn't remember anything after Jongin had caught her. All she knew was hours before she had woken up in the cage. Again. To make it worse, somebody had clearly cleaned up her body and whoever it was changed her clothes. She bites her lip as her stomach grumbles, demanding food that she couldn't give.

The door opens and she jumps back in fear, but relaxes when she sees it was Yixing. She didn't necessarily feel comfortable around him, but out of all the boys in the house, he was the most... Caring? No, that wasn't the right word. Least vicious was more like it.

He struggles to open the cage and she sees why. In his hand was a McDonald's bag and a bottle of water. Her mouth waters as she stares. He glances up.

"Rather than staring, you could come over and help," he grumbles and she snaps out of her trance.

Cautiously, she goes over to his outstretched hands and takes the bottle of water. He successfully unlocks the door and enters, handing her the bag before locking the door behind him.

"The stuff I brought is for you," he says, gesturing to the things in her hands. She looks at them with caution.

"Sit down and eat, they aren't poisoned," he assures, then gently pushes down on her shoulders. She sits on the floor, he sits across from her.

"You need to eat Autumn," Yixing comments, "I know you're hungry. Eat."

He takes the bag from her, removes its contents, and places them in front of her. Chicken nuggets and fries. She gingerly reaches out and picks up the nuggets, shoving one in her mouth. She nearly moans at the taste and practically inhales the rest of the food he brought, then downed the bottle of water. Yixing chuckles then gets up holding out his hand.

"Come on, after drinking the water that quickly you'll need to go to the washroom."

She takes his hand, her face flushing with embarrassment. He leads her out of the cage and the room. She freezes when she sees the short boy with the weird eyebrows walking by. He freezes and smirks at her.

"Shoo Xiumin," Yixing waves the boy away. He growls playfully then walks away.

"Come on, we'll go to my room," Yixing orders, pulling her along.

They soon enter a room. Autumn's jaw drops, it was huge. In the middle, there was a gigantic bed. On the opposite wall, there was a sliding door with bunches of green outside of it.

"Oh. My. Gosh," she breaths. Her neck starts to itch and she scratches it. It only gets worse.

"The washroom is behind the white sliding door," Yixing points to it, "Come right out when you're done."

She lowers her head and nods, going into the washroom. As she's washing her hands, her back and neck begin to throb with a painful itch. She scratches them desperately and leaves the washroom. The soreness spreads.

"Oh good, it's already started," Yixing comments, sitting in a comfortable chair. She looks up at him, what did he mean?

"I can see the curiosity on your face," Yixing smirks, "As I'd very sure you've noticed, I have the power to heal people other than myself. But, that isn't very useful when you're a sadist like me. So I resort to other methods of inflicting pain. There was a type of poison in the chicken nuggets I gave you that will cause you to itch until you bleed. When you pass out from either pain or blood loss, I derive pleasure from the look of betrayal either etched on your face or in your eyes. Just like that one."

She is utterly shocked.

"I thought you were different," Autumn whimpers, scratching until she bled, as he said she would.

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