36 - Epilogue

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Fiona groaned in frustration. "Urge. You two are unbelievable. How can you do this?"

"Sorry, mommy." Both her kids said it in unison, with a puppy dog look in their eyes.

Yes! Fiona and Justin have two kids, and both are twins. They are both fraternal. She has a son named Max, and a daughter named Ileana, aka Elli. Elli looks like her but has her father's beautiful eyes and hair, and, whereas Max is concerned, he looks like his dad. But he has her hair. Both are five now and are extremely notorious. Yes, they fight a lot because they are siblings, but they can't live without each other.

Whereas Fiona, well, she constantly gets angry at their mischief, but soon her anger vanishes when she looks at them. But still, no one gets away from her wrath, not even Justin. Some family members must be strict, but unfortunately, it is she who must play the bad cop.

Emy and James have now been married for five years and have a son, Aaron. He is about the same age as Max and Ileana. Those three are best friends. Max and Aaron both have good looks, and you can tell from the start that those two will be popular amongst girls.

Whereas Justin's sweet little daughter is concerned, she is as beautiful as her mother. So, there are going to be many boys whom he has to protect her. And he has a fatherly instinct that Aaron has some liking towards his daughter. Well, he knows both are very small, but he can't help his thoughts when his little princess is concerned.

In fact, like him, even Max is protective of her at such a young age. One boy tried to bully Justin's daughter, and his son was there to beat the crap out of him along with Aaron. So both of them are protective of her.

"Sorry??? Seriously, that's what you two have got to say. You two have broken Mrs. Brown's window again." She shouted at them.

"Mom, but Mrs. Brown had no problem when we broke it, and it was a mistake. It was an honest mistake." Max exclaimed.

"And you know, she also gave us chocolates. Isn't she sweet?" Ileana said excitedly.

Max nudges her.


Ileana put both her hands in her mouth, which made Justin chuckle. In that case, he even got a glare from Fiona. Both their kids are so cute.

"First, she didn't yell because she was so generous, and second..."

Before she could say anything to them, Justin interrupted her.

"Kids, don't repeat it again, and now go to your room and have fun."

They went to their room, but not before...

They both went towards their mom and pulled her down.

"Mommy, we are really sorry. I know it's the fifth time we have broken her window, but we are not going to do it again." Max said it innocently, but not without making a puppy-like face.

"Yes, mommy. Maxi is right. We didn't even eat chocolate. We wanted to ask you first." Ileana said too innocently.

"Ok, fine, I forgive you too. But next time, no breaking of the window, and you too can have those chocolates, but only one each." Fiona kissed both their cheeks.

"Thank you, mommy. I love you." They both exclaimed as they jumped up, hugged their mother, and kissed her on the cheeks.

"Love you too,"

"What about me?" Justin said to both his kids. "I was the one who saved you."

"We love you too, daddy" they pecked him on his cheeks and ran into their room.

"What about you, Fiona?" He smirked.

She glared at him.

"Oh, come on, Fi." He pouted.

"Justin, you are spoiling them."

"No, I am not. I am letting them enjoy their childhood. And about me giving them lots of chocolates, it is your fault."

"How can it be my fault? Please enlighten me." She asked him sarcastically.

"It was you who used to feed yourself with chocolate every day."

"I... Uh... So what? You used to give them to me."

"Because it's difficult to resist you, especially when you're pouting. So it's your fault."

"I hate you." She said while folding her hands.

"No, you don't."

"Yes, I definitely do." She was turning away from him, but he grabbed her hand and pulled her towards him.

"How about a candlelight dinner? Just you and me."

"Are you asking me for a date?" She teased.



"Emy and James. It was for a reason we made them godparents to our kids."

In response, she kissed him.

"I love you." Justin said to her.

"I love you too."



Finally, my book is completed. Thank you my fellow readers for reading and voting my book and encouraging me to continue. I really got an amazing response. I didn't expect so reads and votes. I really enjoyed writing this story.

Well, I do have a few more plots in my mind and I will soon draft it out and published it. I'll definitely update you with my next story In this book also. So do read.

I hope you like this final chapter and my whole book. Don't forget to vote and comment. I appreciate it all.

Love you lots.


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