Venturing through a Murder Introduction

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The reunion had been a pleasant one of Georgia MacClain.  She smiled as she filled her bathtub with lavender bubble bath.  She was glad they were able to settle things, and happy they were back to their normal relationship.  She couldn't stay mad at someone for long, but she was glad that they were not over.  She hated to come to a bad ending with someone in her life.  No matter the time, good or bad, she had with that person.

The steam in the bathroom had already fogged up the mirror... and she didn't see the figure behind her.  She had already started undressing, and had turned on her music on full blast.  It was incredibly easy to do the deed and leave.  To easy.

The deed done, the night carried on as usual; the cars outside racing back and forth, the airplane landing nearby, and the televisions on in family rooms throughout the city.  The last hint of normalcy for Georgia's friends and families faded into the night escaping with the dark figure down the road.

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