Chapter Thirty Two

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"She asked you to ber her witness? That's really nice." Casey smiled before gulping down some of her ice tea. She looked almost the same as Alana remembered two years ago, except her bulging stomach had disappeared and she had lost some weight. Of course that had not been the last time that Alana had seen her. Whenever she came back to visit Bobby or Rosie, she made sure to stop by at Casey's house to catch up. She had not initially wanted to but Casey insisted that the fact that her brother and Alana did speak anymore did not mean that she had to lose a friend.

"Yeah. I feel so priviledged. Too bad I missed your wedding," Alana pouted as she leaned against the grey island counter in the kitchen.

"You could have organised it too. Don't worry, when it's your wedding, I'll be on the ball." Casey winked.

"Anywho, come along. I know that your dying to see her. I'm sure that Ryan has finished with her." Casey stated, leading the way into the living room.

"Hello baby! Your so big now!" Alana cooed as she bounced the pale baby on her lap, her bright green eyes staring at her as she giggled adorably.

"I know. I can't imagine her when she's your age." Ryan said, his bright, light brown eyes staring at his child in Alana's arms. She had always thought that he would be great father by the way that he treated Casey, so she was not surprised when she heard stories about the wonderful things that he had done for the family.

"Please don't say that otherwise I'll start crying." Casey groaned as she placed a cup of juice on her glass coffee table for Alana.

"It won't be that bad." Alana assured as she sat Sarah down on her lap properly, leaving her to play with her cross necklace.

"You won't know until you've had your own little one, Alana." Casey snorted, causing Alana to smile considering that she was sure that Casey was probably right.

"How is your guy anyway?" Ryan quizzed, taking a seat beside Casey. Alana was sure that she would never get tired of the way that the couple in front of her acted. Ryan easily placed his arm on the top of the sofa behind Casey's head and as if instinctively, Casey snuggled into his side, her hazel eyes still watching Alana. She also knew that they were not perfect, but loved how they reconnected after having petty arguments.

"Whose guy?" A deep voice interjected. If Alana had not been insulted by that voice only a couple of days ago, she would have probably not recognised it. Walking into the middle of the living room, between Casey, Ryan and Alana was Cain. His stare did not threaten Alana but only made her slightly irritated due to the fact that he looked her up and down before staring at the bundle of joy in her arms.

"What is she doing here?"

"Don't be rude."

"She had a name and is sitting right here. Plus, she thought that we had already sorted this problem out." Alana retorted.

"What problem?" Ryan asked, his eyes fleeting back and forth between Cain and Alana.

"There was no problem." Cain stated, walking towards her and easily pulling Sarah out of her arms, luckily not choking her in the process, considering that Sarah released her necklace in perfect time.

"I think that is my queue to leave." Alana clapped. He could not simply waltz into a house that was not his and snatch a child that did not belong to him either out of her hands.

"She smells pretty bad if you haven't noticed." Cain said, holding his niece securely in his arms, a sight which Alana would not help but think was cute. However, she was definitely not about to voice her thoughts out loud. Placing Sarah's tiny padded bottom in her face as he held her under her arms, Alana's nose instantly burned.

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