23 || Asshole

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As soon as the words escaped his mouth, I was in the flight mode. Turning around, I ran towards the door in a haste. I tripped on my own shoelaces and heard a laugh from behind me. 

I cursed under my breath and attempted to get up but this time Liam was prepared and he moved to shut the door while I still tried to get up.

I moved slightly and then cursed again as a sharp pain shooted through my ankle. It was sprained.

I looked towards the door and found him standing there staring at me without any humour.

"Happy now, Liam? That's what you wanted, didn't you? What are you gonna do now? Hit me back, slap me?" I went hysterical and a soft cry escaped from my lips.

His expression changed and he actually looked concerned for a second but I was way out of my mind now. And I stared at him with tears in my eyes.

"Why are you crying? Are you hurt?" He took a step towards me but he paused seeing me whimper.

"I am not going to hurt you Veronica." He sighed. Looking at my eyes, he murmured almost defeatedly. "I can't hurt you even if I want to."

"Then let me go." I looked at him with pleading eyes.

"No, I can't let you go. We need to talk Veronica." He stared at me intently.

"We don't. We don't need to talk. What do you even want from me?" I saw an unreadable emotion pass through his eyes but it was gone before I could decipher it.

He walked towards me and I couldn't do anything but stare. "I will tell you what I want but first, we need to fix this." He pointed at my leg and then bent down and picked me up bridal style.

I screeched at the sudden movement and grabbed a haold of his shoulders instinctively.

"Liam!! Put me dow-"

"Don't even try to fight me right now, we have lots of time for that. We are going to infirmary first."

"You're an asshole." I muttered under my breath as I slumped in his arms.

"And you have an asshole just above my fingers. If I move your skirt just an inch, I will get a hold of it."

"Do not even try doing that!" I fought in his arms and pushed myself higher, away from his fingers.

"I can move my hand higher babe but don't worry, not gonna do that." He chuckled at my expression.

"You don't just randomly threaten to touch people's private parts, you dimwit!"

"Well, it wasn't an empty threat babe. Try me?" He challenged me with his eyes.

"Put me down! Just put me down!" I started fighting in his hold and screamed when my ankle turned all of a sudden.

"Shit! Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!"

"Ver! What are you doing? Just stay still. I am not going to touch your hole or go anywhere close to it. I am not that desperate."

"You look desperate. And you're gross." I huffed, struggling in pain.

"Have you ever watched porn?" He questioned all of a sudden.

"Why do you ask that?"

"Because you are too naive. I bet you believe that you can only shit from @ssholes."

I looked at him with questioning eyes.

"What? We can only shit from there." I looked at him with a poker face. "Don't play with me Liam. I am pretty sure we can only shit from there."

He laughed at me and I stared at him dumbfounded. "What? Your asshole sings too?"

He never answered my question and his laughter echoed in the empty halls all the way to the infirmary.


You : Fuckk off bitch! Just fuckk offf!

FAD : Babe, I know! I know you are angry! *tries to put a hand on her shoulder but she pushes it away*

FAD : Babe, please!

"You : *takes the revolver out, loading it with bullets*

FAD : Babe, I can explain!

You : *Puts the revolver on my head* Any last wishes?

FAD : *gulps* Yeah! I have a confession.

You : *looks at me unbelievingly, not taking the revolver off*

FAD : I had a serious case of writer's block. I didn't know what to write anymore and I a sorry for that.

You : *shoots me in the head*

FAD : *dead*

Few seconds later....

"WTF, you killed him!"

You : *gasps* How are you still alive?

FAD : You killed my twin!

You : *realizes that it was my twin, reloads the revolver*

FAD : *runs for my life*

69 Dares (18+)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora