Chapter 5

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After like seven drinks I lost it and so did all the other guys we were talking about anything anything at all bout the shape of our nose even ears I told you we lost it all

" hey you know Camilla your hair looks really funny right now" max says as he raps his hand on Cami's shoulder

" oh well thank you " and as we continued talking Jack came in

" hey hey hey well I see you are all drunk well Jonathan you told me to come pick you up at four now lets go you have a meeting and all of you guys should go too"

" sure no problem dad" Josh says

" okay you all pretty much lost it so come on I'm going to take you all back"

" nooooo" we all said

" yesssss" Jack said mimicking us so after he dragged each one at a time we were all in the car sitting and where was I sitting you may ask on Jonathan's lap cause the car wasn't that big to fit five people but I didn't care I won't probably remember that tomorrow so my house was the closest to the club so I was the first one to arrive home

" okay Em you're home and Camilla should stay with you " he said as he helped me then Camilla out of the car

" where are your keys" he asks and I take the key out of my purse and I put the in front of his face like a kid so he opens the door and takes me and Camilla to my room and puts us on the same bed and as he was walking out I shouted a thank you and I fell into a deep sleep

In the morning

When I wake up I feel this huge headache and I really need to pee right now and then I look at the time

" oh my god fuck fuck fuck Cami wake up it is ten and I am two hours late wake up

" ummmm why should I wake up you're going to work not me so just go take a quick shower put on a pair of dark jeans and a wight shirt with flats if you want some mascara and leave your hair loose for it to dry and you are ready"

" thanks " and as I did what Cami told me I towel dried my hair and looked at the time it's 10:30 wow it took me half an hour to get ready new record okay okay Emily focus so I went to my car and I drove to work hope I don't get fired at my first day

When I arrive Sophie runs to me saying

" Emily you are late here I made the coffee no sugar with milk now go"

" thank you sooo much " and I run to Jonathan's office I knock at the door and when I hear a come in I open the door and I walk to Jonathan not daring to look at him straight in the eyes

" good morning I am so so so sorry for being late" but he doesn't answer so I look up to find him staring at and when he notices that I notice ( kind of complicated here to understand) he starts talking looking at me straight in the eyes

" it's okay I mean we stayed up till like four in the morning so it is okay for this time" wow did he just say that oh thank god thank you but how the hell did he wake up at eight I am sure he was late too

" hey can I ask you a question "

" sure"

" were you here at eight or were you late too"

" I am never late at anything Emily "

" how did you...." And as if knowing my question he answers

" I am used to sleeping a little amount of time "

" oh so do you need anything "

" no you can go and check out you office and see if everything is there" and I just nod and leave when I enter my office yes mine as was surprised that it was as big as Jonathan's office and it had the newest Apple computer oh god is this a dream look at all this it looks so expensive you may think this is weird since my rich uncle was taking care of me but before that I only used to have one pair of pants and a shirts and one underwear that was all and when my uncle started taking care of me I wouldn't tell him to get me stuff after all he is not my dad to feel free to ask him to bring me anything and it isn't like my actual dad would but still I felt uncomfortable to live on my uncles money if it wasn't for him insisting on buying me a phone and a laptop and a whole fucking house well I wouldn't have any of those my uncle insisted on buying me a phone and laptop when I started collage saying that he needed to contact me and I needed the laptop to do my assignments so I agreed and after six year he decided to give me a phone a laptop and a freezing hide house as a gift for my graduation and now if I was still with my dad I would be probably cleaning the house right now but then Jonathan comes into my office bringing me back to reality

" hey I was calling you on the microphone but you didn't answer were you crying"

" what" then I notice my tears on my desk and some still on my cheeks so I wipe them off
" sorry I guess I zoomed out"

" hey are you okay didn't you like the office if not I can get you another one or...."

" no no the office is great I.... I was just remembering some memories that is all" and he nod not wanting to know more which I was thankful of and then he tells me that he needs the papers for his meeting this afternoon and I hand them to him and he leaves but wait was he actually going to bring me another office I I didn't like that one no maybe he just said it to comfort me or something that is all


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