Chapter 8 - Fire and Ice

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Author's Note: Yeey! I finally uploaded! Haha. =P So, to make up for not uploading for so long, this chapter's a bit longer and I gurantee, more fun just for you! XD Enjoy!


    The bell just rang. "Class dismissed, recess time you guys," Ms. Stanford casually ended her discussion. All the students stood up and bowed down. "Hmp," Daniel closed his comic book. He turned to look at Kristina and then sighed. "Stupid girl."

     "Shut up," she held her breath. Daniel and everybody else in class left the room. Kristina put her books back in her bag and then buried her face in her hands. "Daniel... You're such a BUTTHEAD." She muttered in an angry tone. The clock ticked. One... Two... Three...

     "GAAAAAA I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE!!! YOU IDIOT, I'LL RIP YOUR FACE APART, JUST COME AT ME!!!" she switched back into her Spartan Pres mode.

    "Whoa," Ella sat down on Kristina's desk holding an umbrella. "Danger. Black Tina has appeared. Keep calm."

     "Ella..." Kristina suddenly made a face that was about to cry. "I can't go out while that damn rumour. is still spreading! It'll ruin my reputation as the president!"

     "That's all?"

     "What's all?"

     "Your reason. Is that the only reason you're ashamed to go out? Because it'll ruin your reputation as our pres? Don't you care about your image as a lady?" Ella folded her arms.

  Kristina thought about it and shrugged her shoulders. "Why should I? I don't care what others think of me. But if the rumour spreads all over the school and all the teachers find out, I may not have the opportunity to run as the president next year again!"

     "Tina, the whole school already knows. It's just a matter of time until the teachers do too, Ms. Stanford even witnessed it. Twice, right?"

     "What the hel--"

     "Don't worry about it. A rumour like that will die out in less than a week," Ella reassured her.   "Now let's go already. P.E is about to start and we haven't even changed yet. Hurry up."

     "Fine..." Kristina sighed.

 They both headed towards the locker room and changed in their P.E attire. It was a pair of red shorts, a plain white shirt and sneakers. After changing, they went down and approached the swarm of students crowding their teacher, Mr. Emerson.

     "Okay!" Mr. Emerson blew on his whistle. "Girls, stand on this side, and boys, stand on that side." He separated them.

   When the groups finally settled down, Mr. Emerson made his instructions. "Today we're gonna play a game. Although it has no relevance to our topic, this game will teach you how to handle your team mates and opponents. I will be observing and recording your behaviour towards each other. Any unsportsmanlike act will not be tolerated and will be sent to the bleachers immediately."

    "Now here are the rules. I am holding here two balls. Each team will possess one ball and they should do whatever it takes in order for the opposing team not to take it. The first team to get their ball stolen will face the punishment game." Mr. Emerson said.

Sean raised his hand. "Boss!" He yelled. "After we steal their ball, what next?"

    "That's right I almost forgot. Each team has their own base too. See those two poles at each side of this wide field? That'll be your base. Now, after you steal the other team's ball, you need to make a run for it so they can't retrieve their ball. Next, when their ball is in your hands, you run back to your base and claim their ball as your own, after that, the victor will then be decided. Every player has the right to play, but every team needs a leader."

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