Chapter 22 (The End)

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Penny escaped to her room and sat heavily on the bed as Sentry came up to her and cried for attention. She picked up the warm little body and cuddled her close, listening to her purr of approval.

She supposed it had to happen, she would have had to see her father again at some point, but she would have rather it had been a place and time of her choosing and not Celeste's. Still, for all the fear that had coursed through her, it had been alright in the end. Sam had been there, and she was finally starting to believe that he would always be there. At least her father now knew of her marriage, so she wouldn't have to tell him.

She couldn't suppress her own smile as she remembered the stunned look on Celeste's face when Sam had announced their marriage. Maybe it would work, maybe she would give up her share of the house. As quickly as she had the hope it was dashed as she thought about how conniving the woman was.

Where had Celeste managed to find her father? The only person she could think of that could have been a source of information was Robin, the nurse at the hospital. It was possible, she had seemed not to remember her, but if she had, and if Celeste had been there with her sincere act then she could have gotten the information for her.

Penny gave a deep sigh, it didn't matter, her plan hadn't worked to her favor. Sam had been there to protect her and for her that was a first. Her heart swelled at the idea that he would always be there to protect her in the future.

Realizing that she still had a party to finish setting-up she gave Sentry a kiss on the head and set her back on the floor where she scampered under the bed which was her newest hiding place.

The next few hours were a rush of activity as Penny dealt with the caterers and the musicians. She was able to sneak away and put on her blue dress, the one she had worn on her evening out with Sam, at the last minute.

She would stay in the background and keep an eye on everything as she was directed to do, she would do it for Sam.

The party was well underway, the music was all jazzy renditions of Savannah's native son, Johnny Mercer, the night was warm but the breeze and candles were keeping the worst of the bugs away, and the food was good. Penny had done her job and now she could relax.

She mixed in with the crowd listening to the gossip as she got a plate of food.

"There's no way he's taking her back," one woman with a tall head of grey hair insisted, "She's just playing house, the word on the street is that he has a girlfriend."

"If that's the case why is Celeste determined to make everyone believe they're together again?" a petite brunette asked as she grabbed glass of champagne from a passing waiter.

"I hear her debts are piling up, and that she's hoping to marry Sam so that he will pay them off for her."

Penny was so caught up in listening to the women's conversation that she jumped when she felt a hand on her waist. "I really do like that dress," Sam whispered in her ear as he reached past her for a plate and started to pile food on it.

"Those women, Sam," she motioned with her head over her shoulder.

"I know, I heard." He looked unconcerned.

"Don't you care? Did you know Celeste told me that she had planned this party to let everyone know that you and she were together again?"

"Is that what she told you?" Sam stopped and looked at her.

"Yes, she told me the same day you left me at the hospital." Penny whispered back unable to disguise her hurt.

"Well there's only one thing to do." Sam sat his plate down on the table and took Penny's from her, setting it down as well, before pulling her through the house and towards the dance floor.

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