Chapter 19 - A Proposal

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Chapter 19 – A Proposal

Amelia paced back and forth in front of her bed. She was nervous, and to pass the time she decided to think of anything else but what were about to happen. This was the first time in two days that she’d even had time to be alone with her thoughts and that fact alone scared her.

The trip home had been relatively painless. They’d all been too happy to notice the time, and it wasn’t until they’d acquired the rest of the soldiers abandoned horses at their camp that Amelia found a moment to herself. It hadn’t lasted long, though. Eric had walked over and asked her for a walk. She’d been on the verge of cracking down from her exhausted state, and he’d promised to wait until they were home.

Now, here they were in Yildun, the capital of Astron, where the magnificent Star Temple raised its spear high above the rest of the city. And she couldn’t postpone her talk to Eric much longer.

Amelia had done everything she could to be on her best behavior and appearance. Nothing should compromise their talk. Her white temple dress was of the finest material, just the way it should be. Her best was needed when it came to Eric, and she’d be darned sure that she delivered. She’d brushed her hair countless of times, ensuring its shine and volume.

All she needed now was her man.

Her man… She liked the sound of that. It would be what she’d always refer to Eric as from this day on—at least she hoped so. Technically, Eric could still call everything off, and ask her to stay at a distance, and the doubt settled deep in her stomach. Her insides were mush, and her knees turned out to be weak, almost causing her to stumble, but she had to keep on until she’d heard what he had to say.

When he knocked three times at her door, she could have sworn that her heart stopped.

“Come in,” she called, her voice shaking with excitement mixed with fear.

He walked in, his beautiful blue eyes meeting hers. “Hi,” he said.

Amelia let out a deep breath; she hadn’t realized she’d been holding it until then. Now when everything had calmed down, she remembered him saying that he loved her. A tingly sensation spread inside her stomach.

She’d wanted to touch, kiss and hold him tight ever since she hit puberty. He was her hero. Many nights she’d been tossing and turning, shivering by the thoughts of him while she lay in her bed. She’d wished him to desire her, just as she’d wanted to make him shiver with just one touch.

All of these thoughts were new to her, and she gawked at him while she tried to form any thought. “H-hi,” she managed to say.

He walked the short distance across the marble floor. Amelia listened carefully to the sound of his footsteps, and then she reached her hand out to meet his.

Their fingers intertwined, and he tugged lightly. She took a step closer to him, forcing her eyes to stay focused on his face.

“There’s something I have to do,” he said.

She rose an eyebrow. “And what might that be?”

He pulled her closer, pressing his body against her while wrapping his arms around her waist, keeping her in place. Her hand landed on his chest, and she could feel his heartbeat following her own.

“Eric…” she whispered.

“Mnn?” He moved a hand to her head, his mouth edging closer to hers. “What is it?”

“I—“she looked up at him through her eyelashes—“love you.”

She didn’t get to say anything else before his lips touched hers. At first, Amelia didn’t know how to react. Was she supposed to open her mouth? This was her first kiss, and all at once, the thousands of butterflies in her stomach took off, fluttering inside her.

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