The Bells of Norte Dame

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The Bells Of Norte Dame


"And so, for eighteen years, Nevil raised the child as his own. He teach him everything he needed to know about God, and what the bible said. People say that he still lives in Notre Dame, he rings the bells every morning. So when you hear the bells ring, you know it's him, ringing the bells, wishing he could be down here... With us." I hear the young gypsy man with shaggy dirty blonde hair says with his creepy puppets to some children.

"Do you really believe he has ice powers?" I hear a little girl ask making me cross my arms. The gypsy shrugs, "Who knows, like I said before, it's just a story." the gypsy says as he locks eyes with me. "Now, children, it's time for me to start to pack up and get ready for tomorrow so everyone, leave me alone." I hear some of them get upset but they all start to leave just leaving me and the gypsy alone. "So, did you like the story?" He ask as I step close to his booth so no one could hear us.

I nod, "You always tell my story so well, and it makes the kids happy which makes me happy." I say as I turn around to see the children going to their parents, holding their hands, a smile on their face. "I just wish I could of have that." I whisper to myself, only to have him hear me. "Jack, if you want that, you need to leave that tower, live with us." I hear as I turn back, "Kristoff, you know I can't do that. Mas... Nevil has been raising me since I was a baby." "He killed your mother!" Kristoff quietly yells with a glare. "He says that my people are scums of the Earth Jack, and you are part of that scum, remember?" He ask as he grabs my hand only to see a glove over them.

I hear him chuckle, "A glove to hide the powers that God gave you, if there is even a God." He says letting go of my hand. I hold it to my chest, feel some of the cold coming through it. "I understand that Kristoff, I do. But... He will never let me go." I say. I could tell he was about to say something when I hear the bells ring. I look back at Norte Dame feeling my eyes widen, I had ten minutes. "I have to go." I say as I start to walk away.

"Jack!" I hear behind me making me look back at my only friend beside Olaf. "You'll be here tomorrow right? It's the Festival of Fools tomorrow." He says making me smile, he knew I've been wanting to go to the festival for years but I've been to scared that Nevil would see me. "I can't Kristoff, the Judge is going to be there, if he sees me..." "Wear a mask then Jack! You have to leave that tower for more then for my stories." Kristoff says making me laugh. I wanted to go, to see it in person not just high in the tower like a trapped rat.

I hear another bell ring again behind me, I had five minutes. "I'll think about it." I say as I start to run, "I'll meet you behind Norte Dame! I'll give you an hour!" Kristoff yells as I keep running, I have to be back before he is.


"You're running late." I hear as I reach my room to see Olaf looking at me. Olaf is my snowman I made when I was a kid, his my friend that stays in the tower with me, or is trapped in the tower like I am. "I know, I'm sorry. But I'm here now okay." I say as I start to get a table ready, the Judge will be here any minute. "Jack we have another problem." I hear Olaf say making me look at him he is slowly sneaking into the shadows to be hidden away, "What?" I ask as I hear footsteps coming up behind me. "You went into town again?" I hear making me close my eyes as I turn around and when I open them, I see the Judge's son, a kind face man with short brown hair wearing his guard uniform, his hat under his arm.

"Leo... I can explain." I say as he steps close to me. "What if my father stepped in and saw you go? He would have you hanged, or whipped or something! You're lucky I came home before him. And who were you talking to?" Leo says as he puts his hat on the table as he starts to help me with dinner. "I know, I know I'm sorry. But Leo I can't stay here all the time." I say as I avoid his last question. I look out the window to see the city of Pairs fall asleep. "Out there... It's beautiful... It's safe. Unlike in here." I say as he hands me some grapes as I put them on the table. "Jack, I get it." "Do you?" I ask making him stop what he was doing to look at me.

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