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'The truth doesn't cost anything, but it could cost you everything.' - Anon

The sound of the car skidding against the gravel and the judder of the tyres make me squeeze my eyes closed as the car picks up speed and we pour into the night. Adam hits the accelerator violently and the car whirls to the right and I let out another shriek.

"Put your seatbelts on!" Adam roars from the front of the car. I fumble with mine, but my hands are shaking too much and I can't push the belt into the buckle.

James leans across my body and takes my seatbelt from my hand. He fastens it and I fight the sudden urge to keep him there in front of me so I don't have to see anything other than his shirt and the smell of his cologne and pretend that being bundled into cars is not going to be another aspect of my life I will have to learn to deal with.

"What the hell is going on now, Adam?" I question, my voice clipped and charged with panic. I look behind us at the lights from the cars following as Windsor Castle becomes nothing but a blur in the background. "Where is everyone?"

Adam says nothing for a moment and then brings his comm on his wrist to his ear. "I have foxtrot, over."

I grimace at the sound of James' code name and glance at him through the strands of my falling dark hair in my face. James has his right elbow propped up on his leg, two fingers splayed across his forehead like he is trying to rub away a headache.

"Adam?" I prompt again, this time more forceful and I can see my head of security's shoulder sag.

"Her or me?" James says without once looking up.

"What?" I look at him with pointed eyes.

"Henry has been standoffish all day, watching me like a hawk. He's been timing my bathroom breaks, murmuring into his coms, and clearing floors we're not even using. The security presence has doubled, and I noticed the way you were both absent for the presentations." James explains. "What fucking breach is it now?"

It's impressive how much James truly picks up on or maybe I am just ignorant.

"Tonight, an attempt was made on your life, Princess."

James stiffens beside me and I feel the temperature in the car drop, almost as if Adam has turned the heat down to freezing as the car rings silent.


I become aware of the way James' hands clench, his knuckles turning white as the car remains in its state of quiet. I can feel my heartbeat in my ears as I process Adam's words.

"We also believe there is a high chance Prince James would be targeted too."

"By whom?" I choke out, finding my voice.

"Eva," James says at the same time Adam says, "Princess,"

"Is that not a reasonable question to ask?" I blink at both. "Am I not allowed to know who wants me dead?"

"Eva, for crying out loud," James mutters under his breath.

"It's because you're afraid of the answer, right?" I look at the Australian prince with tears in my eyes and my mouth pressed in a firm line.

"How?" I turn to face my attention back to Adam who grips the steering wheel tightly. "How did you know?"

"There has been chatter all day," Adam explains and I note the way he meets James' eye in the rear-view mirror. "A sweep before the interview began saw a sniper with his gun targeted at your chair, Princess." He clarifies.

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