Chapter 15

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 "What the hell? What are you two doing in here?" Mike said, letting his eyes drift from me to Zach and then back again. His mouth hung open, and in any other situation, I would have laughed.

"We were discussing our art assignment," I replied, trying to keep the heat from my voice. A heat that had scorched me mere seconds ago. I had kissed him. My pulse increased again as I felt Zach's presence behind me. He wasn't close, but it was enough that I knew he stood there.

Mark rolled his eyes."You're not wearing shirts, dude."

"Duh, why do you think we locked the door? We're supposed to paint our tattoos, Ms. Demet has got a wicked head – but we'll get detention if we don't do it," I lied, trying to be smooth about it, trying to not show how shocked I was. I had totally forgotten about the discarded shirts.

Why hadn't we put them on before opening the fucking door?

"Whatever," he grunted while glaring at Zach, then trailed back to me "Tyra is looking for you by the way."

I looked back at Zach, feeling my eyes glaze over as lust surfaced once more. "I'll see you in class." It felt like the wrong thing to say, but my options were limited with Mark around. I had no intention on letting him in on what was going on.

Zach didn't respond, in fact, he looked just as cold as he usually did. My stomach tightened. I really wasn't up for awkward in art class. I had to tear my eyes away from his delicious torso, gulping a little as I did. Gosh, he was hot!

I turned to Mike and gave him a very false grin, trying to hide what must have been written all over my face. "Cool, I'll go find her. Catch you later," I said, nodding quickly towards the two guys while a part of me screamed at me to stay put. Stay, don't go. Then I remembered Zach's smile. His breathtaking smile that had made me warm all over. Perhaps he was okay for now. Perhaps.


"There you are!" Tyra beamed, shining like the sun she was. "I've been looking everywhere. I need a date tonight, up for it?" she asked, all bubbly and batting her lashes. I smiled back, letting her soothing warmth seep into me, calming me down with its normality.

"Sure, what's the occasion?"

"Well, this guy asked me out, and he wouldn't let me say no..."

I laughed. She was pouting, letting her lower lip protrude. "So now you're asking your gay friend to help you out? What am I going to do, flirt with him? Get him off your back?"

She pouted some more, but her eyes were all laughter. "Well, can't you try?" she asked. "It was kinda creepy. He walked up to me at Daisy's café, yesterday, while I was drinking the best latte, ever, and he wouldn't take no for an answer." Her eyes leaped away for a second, making sure no one heard us.

"Tyra, why didn't you just say no?" I didn't like the sound of this, and the lightness in her voice had turned decidedly forced.

"I really tried, and to be honest, I'm not sure what happened...but I said yes, and now I don't want to go."

"Well, the obvious option would be to just ignore him. He can have that date on his own instead."

She shifted on her feet. "I guess you're right."

"Just ignore him. We can do something fun together, watch a movie or something."

A soft breath left her parted lips. "Yeah, that's much better. I'm sorry. I just got kinda weirded out by the whole thing. Couldn't think properly."

"Did he give you a name?"

"Yeah, but I don't remember now. Tom or something."

I forgot to breathe, which she picked up right away.

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