Chapter twenty-two

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The above picture is how I imagined the Tracey character would look like.



Me, Ashley and Glen are having a spa day. They practically dragged me out of the house saying "You need to get your beauty back".

It's my first time not being in the same building as my baby and it's so hard. I stare at my phone every second for just incase Toby might call about Tracey.

"How's the investigation going?", Ashley asked.

"We're still stuck", was all I said, not trying to talk about it right now.

"When you find the guy let me know who he is so I can give him a piece of my mind", she said while choosing a color to paint her toes.

"I can't believe I actually hated you Ashley. I can see me and you getting along now.", Glen said and they laughed.

"I feel like I don't hold a grudge against him anymore", I said and both of them looked at me confused and approached me.

"What do you mean?", Glen asked.

"While I was pregnant, I just hated this unknown guy because of what he did to me......but after I saw my daughter, all I can think about is......if that never happened, I wouldn't have her", I said and they both nodded in understanding.


We were done with our spa day and we were on our way home. Glen headed for the passenger seat and I headed for the back.

"I finally get to see Tracey", I said smiling and getting into Ashley's car.

"Why did you name Tracey after Toby", Ashley said while everyone were buckling their seat belt.

"But I didn't", I said with a confused look.

"So you're telling me that all of a sudden you gave her a name that starts with "T" and ends with "Y", Ashley said laughing. Her and Glen kept exchanging looks, now I have a feeling that they talked about this behind my back.

I ignored them and just stared out the window as the car drove off.

We got to Toby's house and I opened the door with my key quickly. I walked into the living room and saw her laying on her back with her foot in the air as Toby played with her.

I walked up closer to them and picked up my two month old baby.

"Hey baby, mummy's home", I said in my baby voice and she smiled the most beautiful smile.

It's sad to say that my little girl looks nothing like me. People say that she has my nose but it's hard to tell because it's so small. Only thing that looks familiar are those blue eyes which I know she definitely got from him.

The door bell rang and brought me out of my thoughts.

"I got it", Ashley said and headed towards the door.

Toby POV

Ashley came back to the living room with John behind her.

"What are you doing here?", I asked with a raised brow.

"Im here to see the baby", he said walking closer and I noticed he had a wrapped up gift in his hand.

He handed me the gift than walked towards the sofa and sat beside Bay.

"John this is Tracey", Bay said introducing her.

"She has your eyes", he said looking at me. I ignored him and just stared and crossed my arms over my chest.

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