Chapter Five:

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buy me a coffee!
(On Friday)

"Hey Ruby, does this look good?" I asked, coming down the stairs. Walking into the art studio, I turned to the side and glanced at my reflection. I was wearing a highwaisted floral skirt and a strapless white top that was tucked into the skirt complete with a thick nude colored belt. "My, my.. you look gorgeous!" Ruby said, walking over and kissing my cheek gently.

"When'll the girls be here?" She asked as the doorbell rang "Answered my question" She chuckled and I walked out of her studio, shutting the door and walking to the front door. Inhaling quickly, I opened the door revealing Jess, Gray, and Ammi. They looked dressed, except for hair, shoes, and makeup, as was I.

Ammi was wearing a light pink high waisted skirt covered in black birds and a tight black V-neck shirt that was tucked in. Jess was wearing a white shirt tied above her navel with 'Wild Child' printed across it, under the shirt you could see a black bandgo top. Gray was wearing a navy jumper with a thin black belt. Simple, but sexy

"Lets get ready!" I giggled, leading them up to my room.

"Guys, it's 11:45" I said, slightly stressed. We where in my bathroom putting the finishing touches on our hair and makeup before walking into my room and putting our shoes on. "No one gets there until 11:30, and we will be fashioably late" Ammi said, picking her bag up as we did the same. Shoving my phone in my pocket, I followed Jess and Gray down the stairs.

We snuck out quietly and got in Grays' black SUV. Turning the radio on, we rocked out and sang our hearts out as we drove. "Any boys?" I asked, winking at Ammi who sat next to me. "I wanna get laid" Jess said and we all screamed and called her a whore.

We talked for a while until we pulled up to Gracie Maags' house. Red solo cups littered the front lawn and people made out all over the place. "Looks like a party.." I laughed, climbing out. Jess wrapped her arm around me and led me to the front of the car where Gray and Ammi where waiting. "Rules," Ammi said and I gave her a questioning look. "There are rules? It's a party" I asked and Jess laughed.

"No, we make rules so we don't get date raped or something" Ammi said and I nodded "Um.. don't drink more than 5 beers, if you need to pee go with a girl, and get your own beer" Jess said and I nodded, reaching for the door handle. "Wait! Everyone write your name on your wrist so if you get drunk and seperated we can get a way home safley" Ammi said, handing us a black sharpie. I wrote Rubys down and handed the sharpie around. "Now we go?" I asked and they nodded.

Opening the door, we saw everyone dancing around, drinking cups and throwing them on the floor. "Lets go crazy" Gray said. And we did.


5 Hours and 7 beers later, I was swaying my hips and dancing the night away. "More beer" I told Jess, hobbling my way drunkly into the kitchen. Finding the keg, I leaned on the counter and started filling my cup. Looking across the kitchen, I saw Andrew and a few other big dudes. "Andrew!" I yelled, running over and hugging him, spilling my beer all over him. "Hey Allie, you alright?" He asked, holding me up. "Yeah! I broke the rules though" I whispered, hiccuping slightly making the boys laugh. "What rule?" Andrew asked.

"This is my..eighth? Beer" I said, hiccuping again "And I went pee alone" I told him, making the boys laugh again. "You seem drunk, need a ride?" He asked and I put my hand on his face, turning to the group and whispering-well trying to whisper "He's trying to get in my pants". Everyone laughed and I looked to the tallest, Sam.

"Sammy!" I yelled excitedly, pushing off of Andrew and crashing against his chest, hugging him tightly. "He gives good hugs" I told them as Sams arms snaked around my waist. Pushing him to the side slightly, I sipped my beer and handed it to him "More" I told him, falling against one of the taller boys sides as Sam shook his head and refilled my beer. Taking it from him, I gripped his shirt and took a sip "Lets go dance" I said excitedly, jumping up and down. Taking my shoes off, I set Sams hands on my hips and started pulling him into the livingroom where the party was in full swing.

Walking into the middle of the mob, I stared jumping and swinging my hips, dancing like crazy. I felt Sams hard chest press against my back. Grinding my butt into him, I swayed to the hard beat of the music and gripped his hands that where glued to my swaying hips. My back pressed against his chest, and our hips grinded together.

Even though I was slightly tipsy, the feeling of him being so close caused a clenching in my stomache that was begging for a release that only Sam could give me. He seemed to relize this, pressing harder against me and running his hands slightly up and down my hips. Turning to face him, I pressed my front against his and swayed to the hardening beat of the music. Sam ran his hands to my hips and pulled me closer.

Looking up at his gorgeous face, my hands travled up to his face and I gulped seeing he was staring back. Pushing onto my toes, he leaned down till our lips where milimeters apart. Pushing myself forward, our lips caught in a earth shattering kiss.

His strong hands pulled me back against him and his lips moved against mine. It was pure..magic. I was sad that my first kiss wasn't like this, and I was sad that I hadn't saved my first kiss for Sam. He licked my lip trying to deepen the kiss, and I gladly answered. Sliding his tounge into my mouth, he explored it and sent my body onto a whole new level of pleasure.

We both breathlessy pulled away, and I gulped. Looking up at sam, his pink lips where swollen from the kiss and his tan cheeks looked slightly red, like he was trying to control himself. "Wow" I finally managed to mutter, not denything the odvious sparks that errupted like a volcano between us. "Wow" Sam chuckled, pulling me back to him but not moving to kiss me again, which I was grateful for.

Instead, he held me in a semi-akward-semi-sexual hug. It was weird, but romantic at the same time. Pulling away, his eyes seemed to light up and his adams apple bobbed as he was at a loss for words "I-I-I knew it! I knew you where special.." He stuttered out, his green eyes brighter than ever. Pulling me back against him, I cleared my throat about to speak before he pulled my chin up and gave me another electric kiss that had me practically dry humping his leg.

He knew exactly how to move to make me squirm with excitment. And I knew I was doing the same to him by the poking of my hip. We kissed until I felt a hand on my shoulder, making me turn quickly to see a drunk Gray with a drunker Ammi at her side. Turning to say bye to Sam, I saw he was already gone. But my hangover was already starting.



Hola Chicos y Chicas!! I've been studying for my Spanish finals, and like any teenager, I was proctrastinating. So, I came up with a scedule;

1 long one once a week or two short ones every week.

Sound good? I was thinking Wednsday and Friday, sound good?

1,000 over all views! What! That.. that's crazy considering the most i've ever gotten is like.. 8. So please please PLEASE keep liking, reading, and commenting. I have to go study now!!! Adios!

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