Chapter Two

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"Cowboy," Colt yelled slapping me on the back. "Girls just dropped this off for you, and said that your neighbor is cutie."

"That's great," I grumbled rolling out from under the truck I had been working on. Grabbing the bag from him I shuffled through the bag, "Tell prez I'll be back in a few days."

"I think he knows," Colt shrugged. "You always leave town the third weekend of every month. See you later."

Glaring as he walked off I cursed climbing into my Jeep before heading out of town.

"Cade," my mother in-law smiled. "What are you doing here so early?"

"I was told you fell the other day," I said setting my stuff down and walking over to her. "Why didn't you tell me your dizzy spells are coming back? I could be here to help more often."

"Cade," she sighed. "You do too much already, with your job and helping me out."

"Macy," I sighed grabbing her hands. "It the best I can do since I'm the reason Millie is gone."

"Cade, what happened wasn't your fault." Macy scolded me, you couldn't have known that..."

"I still should have been there for her," I whispered dropping my head.

"Come on," Macy said standing up. "Let's go visit her. I haven't been for a few days and I bought a boutique of lilies and daisies this morning."

"Her favorites," I sighed getting up. "I'll grab them why don't you go get in my Jeep."

"Alright," she smiled walking out the door and I quickly made my way to the kitchen to grab the flowers.

"I come every Saturday and talk to her," Macy said smiling down at the tombstone. "Talk to her like I always have, even though she's an angel now doesn't mean I'm going to talk to her differently."

I nodded laying the flower down reading the words in front of me. Millie Rose Russell💖 Beloved Daughter,Wife and Sister. Now Flying With The Angels. Fly High Millie.

"She was always an angel," I said quietly getting up. "I'm going back to the Jeep, take all the time you want."

"Cade, she wouldn't want you to blame yourself. She would want you to live your life."

I nodded before head to the Jeep. Leaning against the door I looked up before whispering, "How can I move on, its my fault your gone."

Closing my eyes I groaned trying to stop the tears, cursing I turned and punched the back door opening it I opened on of my bag until I found what I was looking for.


"What?" I said closing the bag turning towards Macy, "Ready to go?"

"Yeah," she smiled giving me a knowing look. "There's a little diner down the road and they have the best milkshakes."

"Sounds good," I said helping her in the passenger seat. "I could go for some food. How's your work been?"

"Good," she smiled. "There's a new office opening in your town and one of our silent partners is going to be over it. She's never really wanted anything to do with this building but jumped at the that job. Then again the poor girl has been through so much, lost her parents at a young age."

"Who is she?" I asked cutting the Jeep off, "Sounds like you know the girl."

"She a flower," Macy said climbing out of the Jeep. "Come on let's get some food before heading home."

"Cowboy," one of the prospects said running up to me. "Prez said to tell you that they're in church."

"Thanks kid," I nodded walking to the meeting room.

"Cowboy," Bullet said and I headed to my seat. "Glad your back, now back to business. Any news on Ashlyn?"

"No," Hacker said. "Last known location she was at Devil's Blood hideout, some of the nomads are keeping an eye out for her. If she turns on her phone or uses her cards I'll be able to find her easy."

"Keep tracking her," Bullet said. "On another note Brick, Mercer, and Trigger will be home this weekend so Willow and Mom are planning a BBQ show up with your families. Dismissed. Cowboy, meet me in my office."

"What's up?" I asked Bullet after he sat behind his desk.

"Sit," he sighed handing me a folder. "I was waiting on telling you this but two weeks ago there was a murder of a nomad."

"Rogue," I said staring at the photos. "Damn, he was a good biker. Any idea who did it?"

"No," he sighed. "Blood Warriors are looking into it since it happened on their turf. Banks is keeping me updated on what they find. Figured you would want to know since you were friends with Rogue."

"Thanks," I nodded. "I'm gonna head home for a while, should be back this afternoon."

  "Take all the time you need," Bullet said and I headed out of the clubhouse.

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