Chapter 44

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Hey guys, so i know it's been like three weeks or something since i've updated. I know that I was on a roll with updates, but i had decided to take a short break. I should be more frequent in the next few weeks, but until then, here is a chapter for you guys!

It was about 12 pm when I woke up. Mia and I were up late, complaining that we couldn't sleep. I turned to face the back of the couch, but my phone vibrated.

Dom: B, its B. Haha that was funny (: but I want you to know that you were the sister I never had. And that I want you to stay with Mia. We may not make it out of this today, and I want you to tell the cops our location at about 3 pm. I'll try my best to get Dom out before then. In case anything happens, I love you and Dom loves you. Make sure Mia knows we both love her. Hopefully we'll see you soon. 

The first time I read this message, I didn't really comprehend. But then I rubbed my eyes and sat up to reread the message. It had been sent at about 7 this morning.

"Mia," I nudged her and she didn't move. So I pushed her harder, repeating myself.

"What?" She hardly moved.

"How long does it take to get to the US-Mexico border?" She sat up and looked me like I was insane. Then her face went back to normal

"About 2 hours going the speed limit. Knowing you, maybe 1 and 30 to 45 minutes." She told me and then she looked at me. "I probably should be concerned, but I don't wanna know. Have fun." I shook my head as she went back to sleep. If only she knew it was to help her brother and lover.

I jumped off the couch and ran up he stairs, quickly. If I was gonna get there in time, then I'd need to shower, eat, get gas and bring a first aid kit. Those boys literally always have bruises or are bleeding.

I grabbed my blue wife beater that cut off just above my belly button, some underwear, a bra, and my white jean shorts. I hopped in the shower, washing my body and my face, not worried about my hair.

I got dressed and brushed through my hair quickly, letting it air dry. My black sneakers were next to the door so I picked them up and grabbed a pair of socks. Putting those on as I made my way down the stairs and to the kitchen, I checked the time.


All I had to do was grab the box and something to eat and I could get on the road. So I dug through the cabinets in the kitchen. When I couldn't find it, I went to the bathroom and looked under the sink. There was the big white box with a plus sign that I needed.

Inside, there were ace bandages, bandaids, tweezers, a small roll of tape, ointment, a small bottle of rubbing alcohol and a small bottle of hydrogen peroxide. I closed the box and went back to the kitchen.

Getting out two pieces of bread, I pop them in the toaster and grab the butter and a knife. As I waited, my hair was still damp, so I got a towel and dried it partially. The toast popped out and Mia walked into the kitchen.

Her hair was a mess and I tried to suppress my giggle. "Now that I am functioning, why are you going to the border?" She asked, while I buttered my toast.

"Brian texted me this morning. Told me to call the cops and tell them the location around 3. So I thought technically, I'm a cop, so I'm gonna go and call the official police when I'm about halfway to the border." She sat at the table, drinking out of a water bottle that I hadn't noticed she had gotten out the fridge.

"You aren't taking me with you, are you?" I shook my head and bit into my toast.

"I don't want you to see if anything bad happens to them. And I don't want you to get upset again if Dom decides to run. I'm protecting you like I told your brother and Brian that I would." I brushed my hands together, getting rid of the crumbs left.

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