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Games With The Devil

I THREW MY head back, allowing the burn of a strong alcohol to flood my senses. It left a sparked trail down my throat, all before leaving my mind into a dazed whirl that danced around in hallucinations. The room felt lighter, more spacious as I rocked my body gently along with the beat of the music. It felt like hours since I had last caught a glimpse of my friends, or even any of the three brothers, but with my mind a dazed whirl, that was definitely the least of my worries right now.

Midnight wasn't that far away. In fact, someone had announced over the speaker system just minutes ago that the countdown will soon begin. As the sea of sweaty bodies seemingly only grew, I lost my way through the crowd, bodies pressed against throngs of strangers as the music pumped through my veins in place of blood.

It didn't take too long before I felt a pair of stray hands rested upon the curve of my hips, a heat pressed against my behind as the stranger pulled me closer into his hold. I was drunk, but definitely not yet struck dumb as I struggled away from his grip.

"What are you doing?" I questioned, attempting to push him away but his grip was strong.

The strong and all too familiar scent of thick liquor filled my senses, the stranger's breath dancing across my skin as his hand snaked further down my body. I forced my eyes shut, desperately trying to erase the scent from my memory. The alcohol in his breath ironically woke me up, sobering me instantaneously.

"Don't be such a killjoy, love. Live a little." His voice was a dropped, low hum, buzzing in my ear as I snapped to my senses more and more. Each second felt like forever, time – my greatest enemy – dragging itself out almost torturously.

All I knew at the moment was that I need to get myself out of here. Pushing against his metal grip, I wrestled myself away from his hold, only to be pulled back into his hold again.

"Let go!"

My voice, however, was no match for the thundering music in the background. With cries drowned out by the music, I could barely even hear the speaker's voice over the microphone announcing the beginning of the countdown.

This was not the way I wanted to spend my birthday. Not being groped by a strange man in an even more strange party.
My eyes darted around the crowd frantically, trying to find Minnie and Bella, or even any one of the three brothers in which I've met. At this point, I would've gladly gone down to my knees to beg for help from Fabian, the brother that oh so clearly despised me.

A cheer erupted from the crowd, pushing all the partygoers on the dance floor even closer together as I slumped back into the stranger's uncomfortably welcoming arms. I could feel his grip roaming south, tugging at my sweater as I yanked and pulled at his grip but to no avail.

It was when I thought that all hope was lost and that I would be doomed to spend the beginnings of my twenty-first birthday being outraged by a stranger when a hero stepped in.

"Horny little bitch, aren't you?" A new voice stated, and it took barely a millisecond before those slimy hands were torn away from my figure. Instead, I was pulled behind a towering figure decked out in a full black ensemble.

Not even giving my attacker a chance to reply, the man that had newly appeared by my side pulled back his fist, ramming it straight into the unnamed slob's jaw as a deafening crack echoed through the area. The noise gained attention, stopping the thundering music as a collective gasp broke out amongst the crowd around us.

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