The Girl

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"I don't want to go on a mission with him!" a loud and passionate shout rung throughout the hall. Most people looked on at the pair who eyed each other with disgust as they stood, forehead to forehead, eyes boring into each other. 

"You think I wanna go on a mission with you flame brain?" The dark haired mage retorted, looking at his supposed partner with anger. He was pissed off sure, but he knew that Erza wouldn't be asking them to join her if it wasn't absolutely necessary. Titania had her name for reason, and that reason was that she was an incredibly strong wizard. When a incredibly strong wizard asks for your help, its because they need you, and it's your responsibility to be there with them. But apparently this was something Natsu couldn't seem to get through his thick skull. It was only a matter of time before Erza would beat it into him, and Gray knew that he too would be in the firing range if it came to that.    

"Well then you can just not go! I can handle it by myself anyway!" Natsu yelled back at the dark haired mage. He was an easily irritated boy and Gray had a knack of getting him in exactly the right way to tick him off. There was something about him. It was the way he stripped, and his hair spiked up, and he always had a comeback. Hell, it was the way he breathed that irritated him. He was just an irritating person. 

"Erza asked for my help too, so I'm going to help" Gray continued. 

"You'd think they'd learn that if this continues Erza is going to kick both their asses" 

"I'm sure they know, but I don't think it's going to stop them anytime soon" a white haired girl giggled, handing her partner a bottle of beer. The beer was chugged in second and she turned to the She-devil to ask for another, but the girls eyes had gone wide and whipped to the door. Somewhere in the large pits of her black pupils Cana saw fear. Her body had tensed like she had experienced some kind of paralyzing magic, she was rigid, she shook slightly and all Cana could do as a reaction was ask over and over what was wrong. 

"Well if you're going Ice Princess, then I'm not! Lets see how cocky you'll be when I'm not there to save you huh?" 

"As if I'd ever rely on you to save me!" 

"Silence!" The red haired mage said finally stepping in. "You'll both go with me because I asked you to, Okay?!" She was seriously getting fed up with these two. Fair enough to have the odd argument when they were children but they were on the brink of adulthood now and frankly it was getting a little ridiculous. The two of course immediately threw themselves into another argument, shouting over each other at an alarming volume as Erza shook her head in disappointment. 

Erza grabbed the two by the tufts of their ears like she was so used to doing and swung her arms towards each other, knocking their heads until they passed out, their heads contacting causing an intense vibration throughout Erza's arms. She sighed. She'd overdone it again, there was no way they would make the first train to their mission, and Wendy and Juvia were already packed and excited to go. She'd needed help from all four of them. Wendy was happy as always to be useful and Juvia had agreed the second she had found out her Gray Sama would be going. Natsu and Gray were the only two being difficult about Erza's choice in partners and now they were out cold with no sign of moving. That was when Erza realized that the vibration had not stopped. More than that, it wasn't just throughout her arms. It shook her whole body and the body of those all around her. It wasn't her who had caused it at all. It was coming from the ground, rumbling and cracking up almost like an earthquake. But not quite. Something was coming.

"Get under the tables!" the quick thinking Levy was the first  to react to the intense pressure, of whatever kind it was. Hoards of people dashed, squeezing themselves wherever they could fit. Mira and Cana pressed themselves together under the ridge of the bar, Gajeel had grabbed a large book off of Levy's pile and casually held it above  his head while Max simply did the same with his broom. Gray and Natsu were jolted awake by the shaking and looked around for Erza, confused as to what was happening. Windows shattered, cracks run up the walls and the floor creaked violently until the large guild doors slammed open revealing a caped figure. 

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