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(cricket or kitty) Krystyna pov

"AGNIEZSKA STILINSKI GET YOUR ASS HOME THIS INSTANCE" I yell into the phone once my sister answers me.

"Hello to you to cricket, did you come home?" She asks me.

"Well ya dad aint here and I cant find melissa at the hospital or her house so I cant see them" I reply.

"So you want me to come home" she asks.

"Hmmm let me think" I say being sarcastic "uh yeh and tell scotty boy to come to" I say to her.

I hear a conversation over the phone of stiles, scott and 2 other male voices.

"Well stiles?"

"Ya we will be over in about half hour"

"What about the other two guys with you"

My guess is she is surprised I know about them, I hear some more talking.

"They will come as well. Just be nice" my sister says.

"Ya ya im always nice" I hear two snorts on the other side of the line "thats debatable!" I hear scott yell.

I grumble "just hurry up, and get scott to get me some of his mums brownies too please?" I ask being as sweet as I can.

"Ok I will. Cya cricket"

"By stiles"

I hang up the phone and head stairs to my room. I change into a jumper before putting my hair up into a pony tail.

A few minutes later my little sister comes in along with scott and a cute younger guy, along with a guy who looks like a hale.

I bounce over to scott and hug him. "Scotty"

He hugs me back, I catch an familiar scent. My scotty is a... werewolf!

I pull back and scent the air, so are the cute and hot guys! I growl loudly pulling stiles behind me.

" what do you want with stiles?" I growl.

They all realize that I must be a werewolf or something like that because the guy who looks like a hale glares at me.

I growl again and flash my dark blue eyes, they turn to an electric blue like the hales eyes do, stiles suddenly steps in front of me.

"Stop it" she says firmly.

I ignore her "why the hell are you friends with werewolves?!" I ask.

She ignores me and turns to the hale guy "Derek stop" I sense a powerful surge of power from her.

Well that answered my unasked question of the hot black haired guy being a hale.

"H-hot?" My sister asks spluttering. I blush as my eyes go back to my dark blue. "I said that out loud didnt I?" The boys all nod their head.

I groan and hide my head in my face then go sit down on the couch.

"If your a hale then where is laura?...." I ask slightly afraid of the answer.

Derek doesn't answer me. I get my answer. "So that was her then?" I ask softly.

He nods his head "and the alpha after was your uncle?" This time scott and stiles nod. I sigh.

'I had hoped that those rumors weren't true about the hales but they weren't' I think to myself.

Suddenly I ask a random question "do any of you minus scott know stiles real name?" Stiles shakes her head and so does derek and the cute guy.

I open my mouth "Agnie-" im cut off by stiles shoving a sock from god knows where into my mouth.

I pull it out the lick my lips "tastes like chicken!" All of them give me 'what the fuck!' Looks.

I shake my head, I hop up and walk into the kitchen. I take a box of brownies out of the frudge and eat one.

"What are you doing? " I sexy deep voice says.

"Eating a brownie" I say like it was obvious.

I turn around to derek "want one?" He shakes his head.

I shrug "your loss ms mccall made them"

I freeze when I finally realize that hale isnt wearing a top. I swallow thickly.

"Done staring?" He asks with a smirk.

"Nope" I reply popping the 'p'.

He smiles and me then walks back into the lounge room. Stiles soon takes his place.

"How do you know about werewolves?" She asks in a hushed voice.

"Because" I start but am cut off my a familiar voice "cause she is one as well."

I hear two gasps. One from stiles and the other from scott. I look down and let my eyes shift "yes I am a werewolf, im a delta"

Everyone goes silent. The derek speaks up to give a simple explanation. "Shes a female alpha.... and according to her eyes her mates human eyes are green."

I look at him once I let my eyes shift back to my human blue ones. "Ya they're a similar colour to your eyes"

He averts his eyes when I say that. I look over to stiles in question but she shakes her head.

A little while later the boys leave us stilinski twins. I look at my sister "how did scott get bitten?"

She sighs "well... " and she goes on telling me about the body, peter being the alpha, lydia getting bitten at formal, kate getting her throat ripped out. I smiled at that.

Derek becoming the alpha and biting Jackson. Then allisons grandfather coming and trying to kill the hale pack. The kanima.

Then the alpha pack and dark druid, dereks sister cora coming back. The alpha twins, scott becoming an alpha, derek losing his alpha powers to save his sister. And finally the nogisune who possessed her.

I blink "so the hales are born wolves. And this kira chick is a fox." She nods.

"And lydia is a banshee that predicts death. Allison is a werewolf hunter/protecter. And now your a witch?" She nods yes.

"Hogwarts witch or charmed witches?" I ask.

"Both" I look at her like 'what the fack'

"So you use a wand and can make magical orbs appear out of nothing" she nods again and then an orb appears.


It disappears and another one comes.

" Water"

It disappears and another one comes again.


And them that ome also disappears.

She clicks her fingers and 3 different wands appear as well as 2 spell books.

"I can teach you sis" she says "being a werewolf doesn't matter"

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