Caitlin's Bio

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If you didn't already know, my name is Caitlin. It originates from Ireland (I'm not Irish) and means pure. I find that quite cool. I am 14 so yes I am unfortunately still in education. However, despite being busy with schoolwork I do a lot of activities in my spare time. 

I am very involved in the performing arts, I dance, sing and act. Every week I partake in ballroom and Latin dance classes. And every fortnight I have a singing lesson. Our school show this year is Camp Rock and I play Caitlyn. I'm really looking forward to it. 

I myself am a lot of things. I'm bisexual. I'm a Ravenclaw. I'm a Pisces. I'm a bit crazy but all in a good way. In the past year I have changed a LOT but again all for the better. I have the most amazing friends and I love them all so so much. To be honest I don't really have a best friend but my mates make up for that. 

I like listening to:

- Melanie Martinez
- Queen ( So old school )
- Fleetwood Mac
- Queen Gaga <3

I ship Phan, Violate (Tate and Violet), Janiel, Delena and Captain Swan.


- Danisnotonfire
- Amazingphil
- Glam and Gore aka Mykie
- Simplynailogical aka Christine
- Sophie Louise

- Jazzybum

Things I have binged:

- The Vampire Diaries (team Damon)
- Once Upon A Time
- Orphan Black (Cosima is bae)
- American Horror Story
- The Big Bang Theory
- Skins

I'm kinda crap at this aha so if you have any questions please leave a comment and don't forget to vote and follow! Love you all,

~ Caitlin xxx

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