Chapter 14

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Scott's POV
We were all staying at the loft till we could figure out how to stop Peter. It was too dangerous to be on our own just in case he decided to make a visit to one of us.

We're all sitting somewhere, Willow is sitting on my lap. My arms wrapped around her, her body laying back on my chest and stomach. Stiles is next to us, Willow mumbled" bored." Stiles said" I know, it's boring here." Derek threw a book at him, causing Stiles to flail around. Willow giggled and yawned tiredly, I said" Willow, maybe you should take a nap." She shook her head, saying" not sleepy." I said" sure?" She nodded, Liam said" come'er Willow." He walked over and lifted her into his arms, her head went to his neck, he walked around for a few minutes, humming some lullaby. He laid her on the bed, she was fast asleep, I looked at him, he said" I have a few little cousins." I nodded, Mason said" yeah, I've met them." Then fell back, Liam said" they're evil." I said" how evil?" He said" just imagine A werewolf hyped up on something on a full moon with sticks and rocks." I said" ow." He said" yeah, Mason and I got chased a few times, and the only time they're nice is when you feed them." Stiles said" oh, so they're like Derek." Derek threw a book at Stiles again, Stiles ran to me, and stayed on the opposite side of Derek. So I could catch the book before it hit us. We all just hung out quietly, on our phones or doing something.

After a few hours, Willow woke up, and tiredly made her way to me. She curled up on my stomach and gripped my shirt. She said" alpha, when can we go?" I said" I don't know, maybe soon, why?" She said" no ones comfy." I chuckled saying" you wanna lay in my bed, don't you?" She nodded, I chuckled, I said" hey, just go play or something, we'll be going home soon." She nodded and ran to play somewhere, she dragged Liam with her. Derek said" how about we go out there and talk to Peter, then tear him to shreds." I said" no, we'll talk to him." Derek huffed nodding, I said" let's go, the sooner we get him away and to leave us alone. Willow'll stay here with Mason and Liam." I looked at Mason, he nodded, I said" Let's go." But Willow collided with me, she gripped my shirt and looked up at me. She said" no, don't leave!" I bent down, I said" I'll be back before you know it." She whimpered, she said" I can help." She's just 5. I said" you'll get hurt, cub, I can't let you." Her eyes glowed and before I could grab her, she took off. I said" dang it! Liam, Isaac, Ethan, come with me." Derek said" everyone else come with me." everyone nodded, and we all split, stiles and Mason staying at the loft.

Willow's POV
I ran super fast into the forest, I sniffed the scent of the monster. I growled as I saw him, he turned and started chasing me, I kept running, making sure to lead him. Once I led us to a spot where alpha could find us, I started running in circles around him, and I continued running, till he fell. I chattered then sat on my hind legs, I was shifted. I heard alpha yell" Willow!" I whimpered and turned around, to see alpha, he was mad. I whimpered, he walked to me and bent down next to me, he said" what were you thinking, Willow?! He could've killed you?! You could've gotten killed?!" I whimpered, I said" alpha?" He screamed" no! You can't just do that! You can't just shift and run to possibly your death!" I said" Liam!" Liam took a step to me, Scott stopped him, he said" no, Liam, she needs to learn what it's like to be in trouble." I whimpered, backing away from
Scott, Ethan said" I'll call Derek, and Deaton, and eichen house." He got on his phone, I walked away and climbed up a tree, after a while, I saw rest of pack. Stiles said" where's Willow?" Liam looked up at me, he was leaning on the tree, I curled into a ball. Liam said" she's right here." Stiles looked up, he said" Willow, what're you doing, come'er." I shook my head, turning away from him,

Stiles' POV
I looked at Willow as she turned around, I looked at Liam, he looked down. I said" Liam?" He said" yeah?" I said" what's going on with Willow?" He said" uh.. nothing." I looked at Scott, he looked away, I could see his eyes glowing, I said" Scott.. buddy?" He said" yeah?" I said" uh... why are your eyes glowing?" He said" uh.. no reason." Luckily we have eichen house on our backs and we got Peter out of there and locked up. Once he was gone, I said" come on, Willow." She didn't respond, I looked at Liam, Liam said" she's okay, she's asleep." He climbed up and got Willow and jumped down. He carried her back to the jeep, Scott got in passenger, while Liam, Isaac and Ethan in the back with Willow in Liam's arms.

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