Chapter 11

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Pictured above: Louisa, James, Christopher, and their home

"I do believe we should plan for a springtime wedding." Lady Margaret said as Emmeline continued with her weekly checkup.

"Things went well between Lydia and the Earl, I presume?"

"Quite well, after you left Lydia played on the pianoforte and the Earl seemed very impressed. That daughter of his could use some more structure though. She was unable to sit still through Lydia's performance, which distracted the Earl."

"I do believe the events that previously transgressed may have shaken her up a bit."

"Why on earth did you deem it appropriate to take her down to the river? I know you were raised in a barn but the daughter of an Earl shouldn't be."

"It was a simple excursion to get the girl some exercise. The sickness she had earlier took a lot out of her. I only wished to rebuild her strength."

"You must be more careful Emmeline. Your association with this child must always be positive for it reflects badly on the entire community if you upset her or the Earl."

"Of course madam. I will leave more tea with Megan."

"I will see you the same time next week."

"Of course ma'am."


The next Sunday Emmeline woke early and put on one of her nicer gowns. It had been a good many years since she had been to church. Her father's health and the numerous house calls Emmeline made left little time for Sunday morning church. She was eager just the same and Louisa had shown so much kindness to her.

"Oh Emmeline I'm so glad you could make it." Louisa said as Emmeline approached the gothic building. "Come along, my boy Christopher has ensured us seats. The service will begin in a few minutes." Louisa took the young girl's arm and led her inside the building.
"Christopher, this is Emmy, Eleanor's girl. Emmeline, this is my boy Christopher." Louisa says as they slide into the pew.
"It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. My mother has not stopped speaking of you since you paid a visit to Mooreland Park." The dark haired stranger said.
"Well your mother has been extremely kind to me since I have started to visit there."
"Well the Earl's daughter is quite enchanted with you. The Earl himself seems to have formed a sort of kinship with you as well. You are the only visitor that has come on a consistent basis."

"His lordship arrived merely a month ago. He has not had time to properly meet everyone. The ball held in his honor was marked with distress when his daughter fell ill."

"'Tis not an accusation my dear. I understand his lordship's circumstances were quite unfortunate. I am glad you are the main visitor to the house for now I have someone to share my stories with. It seems my boys have gotten quite tired of hearing the antics of my youth"

"You are mistaken mother. Father and I enjoy your stories quite well, we just wish you had more of them." Christopher says, earning a slap on the wrist by Louisa.

"The Lord be with you." Louisa's husband James says from the pulpit, promptly ending the discussion.


"My wife tells me that you are running your parents apothecary shop since your father has become ill." James says as the family has the grand luncheon Louisa prepared.

"I am doing the best I can at it, yes. I am unable to keep it open during the week since I have begun doing the house calls my father cannot but the shop does open on Fridays and Saturdays if you are ever in need of anything. Unfortunately I cannot be in two places at once and we cannot afford to train an apprentice."

"Of course, I am sure everything will turn out all right in due time. Those who work to serve the greater good shall be rewarded when their time comes to meet the Heavenly Father."

"I just hope my mother is ready to deal with my father once he arrives." Emmeline laughs, taking a sip of her wine.

"She will my darling, and when it is his time, I assure you it will because the Lord's plan for him has finally finished." James says, placing a hand on Emmeline's.

"Thank you Reverend." Emmeline says quietly, slightly taken aback by his kind reflection.

"Yes, you're mother shall meet him in heaven and probably box his ears for what he is wearing or something ridiculous like that." Louisa says laughing. "She probably has a list of all the things they are going to do together. Do you remember your mother's lists? They were everywhere. No matter what the subject was your mother was the first to get out the inkwell and parchment to write down the options and possibilities. I don't remember ever going shopping, even for the most menial things without the parchment coming out. She used to even make lists of the men we met during our season in London. I believe as a wedding present she gave me the list we had written about James here. I still have it in my journal."

"And that is why she was such a good match for my father, his head is quite far up in the clouds, where he can't even see the ground."

"Don't criticize us who like it up there. We have a better view of the whole world." The table erupts with laughter.

"So how are you enjoying Abbotshire, Christopher? I know it must be quite a shift from town."

"It is quite lovely, we were lucky that his lordship wished to keep us on."

"You are an attendant at Mooreland Park?"

"A stablehand, Miss Emmeline."

"Until we can afford to send him to seminary of course." James says proudly. "He will make a fine priest someday. My boy has the heart of a saint and the determination of the thoroughbreds he works with."

"We are hoping to be able to send him off within the next year. I am sure that when James retires his lordship would put Christopher in to lead the church."

"I did not realize the parish belonged to Lord Hargrave."

"Yes, he does not attend often but I did conduct his wedding ceremony and baptize Matilda. I do think however he only keeps me around due to my wife's fantastic cooking."

"This is quite delicious Louisa, thank you so much for inviting me into your home. It has been too long since I attended Mass and had a meal so exquisite as this. I am afraid however that I must return home to my father. I do not wish for him to be asleep when I arrive."

"Of course my darling. let me get a parcel together to take for him. Christopher please go saddle Emmy's horse."

"Yes Mum."

"Reverend Ellis, I was wondering if I might ask a favor of you." Emmeline says as she puts on her riding cloak.

"Of course my child what is it?"

"I was wondering if you might visit with my father in the coming weeks. I am trying to do the best I can medically to keep him out of pain but I am quite unsure of how to help put his mind at ease."

"It would be my pleasure, and if you would like to talk about anything we can speak privately after my sermon on Sundays, that is if you plan on returning. Hopefully I did not offend you too much."

"Not at all sir! And I would like that greatly. May we speak next Sunday to figure out a day for you to come? I am afraid I do not have my ledger with me and cannot remember the appointments I have."

"Of course, I am sure my wife has made clear that you are always welcome here."

"Indeed, we must make up for all the lost years." Louisa laughs, handing Emmeline the parcel and placing a kiss on her cheek. "Now we need not hold you any longer. I will see you at Mooreland Tuesday Emmeline."

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