chapter 14: fight it

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Josh's POV
"She's gonna die,"

"She's not going to get better,"

"Cherish the time you have with her. There isn't much left,"

The only things I could hear were my thoughts, and the sounds of Bowie crying as the stuck a needle in her hip.

I sat in the back of the room. I couldn't watch.

My fucking daughter has cancer.

Tyler took over in my spot. He was the one holding her hand. He was the one whispering encouraging words into her hair. "It's okay, your okay,"

Bowie was sobbing. Crying. Screaming. Tyler's hand was white. She was squeezing it so hard.

Harley stayed home. She couldn't watch. Jenna stayed with her. Just to make sure she didn't do anything.

"One more okay? You're doing great Rachel," The doctor told Bowie.

She still never told me about that Rachel thing.

After about 5 minutes, everything seemed like it stopped. Tyler pulled away, the doctor panicked and called someone. Tyler ran over to me. Bowie passed out.

She wasn't dead.

But I though she was.


Harley's POV
"Hey Bowie. Sorry I didn't come. I was s-sleeping when Tyler left," I said walking in.

"It's okay," She groaned, obviously tired.

"So. What happened today?" I asked sitting on the end of the bed.

"I don't want to talk about it," She mumbled turning over.

"What's wrong?"

"I said I don't want to talk about it. Can you please leave me alone," She said in an annoyed tone. I stood up and walked over to Tyler, Josh and Jenna.

"Don't take it personal sweetie. She's just upset. She's coming home soon. She'll be okay," Jenna said pulling me into her side. I smiled and hugged back.

"Hey Rachel. Want something to eat?" A nurse asked.

"My name is Bowie number one. And number two, no." She stated.

"Well, I guess I can call Doctor Grey in here. She needs to talk to you." The nurse said walking out.

"Bo," Josh said.

"What," She said not turning over.

"Why do they call you Rachel? And why do you get so upset?" He asked.

"You want to know why?" She said still not turning around. Her voice was shaky. She was definitely crying.

"That's my birth name. My Mom and Dad chose it for me. When they would come home high and drunk as hell, they forgot my freaking name. Their own child's name. They called me all sorts of names. Helen, Grace and then Bowie. And that stuck. Also I have a sister, Raven. They always got our names mixed up." She said.

"Am I interrupting something?" Doctor Grey asked coming into the room.

"No, not at all." Tyler replied.

"Okay. Well Bowie. Unfortunately, you will have to start treatment for your diagnosis. We have a backpack that you will need to carry around with you, that has oxygen and everything you need for breathing. Also, there is a case. You need to put in an IV everyday to supply nutrients to your blood. Come every Tuesday and Thursday for chemo, and you will be good. You can go home today. At the front desk they have everything ready. You and your Dad just have to fill out a bit of paperwork." She said.

"Thanks," Bowie said smiling. She took off her cannula thing and stood up. She boot on her vans and walked over to us.

"Can we please leave?" She said rubbing her arm. Josh nodded and grabbed her hand. They walked out, but Tyler, Jenna and I stayed back.

"Give them time. Josh and Bowie are in a tough place right now. Bowie is sick. Thing are going to change. Harley, talk to me if you ever feel said. Or Tyler. Or Josh. Whoever. Please," Jenna said. I smiled and nodded and walked out.

Josh and Bowie were just getting into the car. They were going to stay at the apartment.

Tyler unlocked the car. He got in the driver side, Jenna got in the passenger seat and I sat in the back. I rested my head against the window. I remember the night when we got hit. When Tyler and Jenna sang to me. When I was trapped under the car. When that person was talking to me. I remembered Ruby.

Tears welled in my eyes. I felt the need to sob, but covered it up with a cough.

"You alright sweetie?" Jenna asked.

"Yeah. I'm okay,"

Hell, I'm not okay.


so i have been feeling kind of low lately. I feel sick. and useless. so i have been writing a bit more.

do you guys like the watcher book? because my cousin payed me to write it. I might delete it.

anyway, that's basically it. sorry these author notes suck.

stay alive
-abbey |-/

awaken: adopted by tyler and jenna joseph sequel: [✔️]Where stories live. Discover now