Chapter 6 - I wanna see you

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"Honestly.. " I begin. Just as I am about to continue the sentence, and say - "Maybe it isn't such a good idea", I stop myself. I can't escape it now. Not when I have gotten us into this mess. I have to stand up for what I feel. 

"Never mind. Maybe the only way to figure it out is if we just let time show" I say, biting my bottom lip, worried about the whole situation.


"We should go on with our lifes as normal, and.. " I sigh, completely lost for words. 

"Basically do nothing about it?"

His response left me hanging. I want nothing more than to explore further with him, but If that isn't a possibility to do so normally, what would be the point?

"Guess that is the only responsible thing to do"

My eyes caught his, deeper this time. How could anyone have such beautiful eyes? I smiled a little, and so did he. "You can still stay a bit.. If you want to" I said. I was still thinking about the incident earlier on, where I had to stop anything more to happen. But right now, I sensed a feeling of lust towards him.

I put my arms softly around his waist,  still looking up at him. He smirked a little before our lips met. It felt just as good as the other times. Still, there was a part of me wanting to hold back. I wanted to wait for the right moment. 

As the next days went by in a hurry, I often found myself missing and thinking about Michael. A little bit more every day. And it was so hard not knowing exactly what I could do about it. If I could, I would go to his house everyday. But the possibility of meeting his girlfriend was too big.

The worst thing was that my dad had invited them over for dinner later today. I had been looking forward to it.. Just the thought of seeing Michael made me happy. But knowing I would have to look into her eyes, knowing I kissed her boyfriend, made me feel bad. At the same time I didn't quite like her. But that wasn't an excuse to do what I did.

They arrived together, and I felt instantly uncomfortable. I didn't know what to say, or do. Completetly lost between action. As we were sitting eating dinner, the four of them kept talking, while I sat there still. I wondered if they noticed my quietness and quiestioned why I didn't speak. But they didn't seem to care. Even though, I caught Michael who sat opposite from me, looking my way several times. And my eyes that was already on him, would catch his. I would slowly look away, trying not to catch anyones attention of our eye locking. But it was hard not to.

Dinner ended, and I helped taking out the dishes. His girlfriend, along with my mom helped too. I finished, and walked away from them, into the small library we had. That was the only place I felt alone. To be able to think clearly.

Suddenly I heard the door locking behind you. I turned around rather surprised, noticing it was Michael.

"W-What are you doing here?"

"I had to see you"

"Well, haven't we looked at each other enough already?" I smiled a little.

He chuckled. "It's not enough"

"Won't they notice your abscent?"

"I told them I was going to find you... and here you are"

He walked closer, and I met him halfway. His hands were quickly cupping my face, and he gazed into my eyes. I put my hands upon his, caressing them. "This is so wrong" I sighed.

"But it feels right" He added before capturing my lips in a tender deep kiss.

My heart stared beating violently against my chest, cause any time, anyone could just walk in. It was exciting, yet so dangerous. But that's what drove me, and probably him to it.

He let me go. "Come to my place tomorrow"

I gave him a wondering look as that wasn't quite what I expected him to suggest. "Won't she be home?"

"No... She is actually leaving for the weekend"

I smiled. "I'll come by then"

He smiled too. "Can't wait"

A/N - Hey guys. I'm so so sooo sorry for being abscent. Seriously, my studies has been crazy, and I've had so many other writings to finish. I hope you like this new chapter, and I promise I'll write a new chapter really soon.

Love you all xo

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