Chapter 3

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"How come I've never had this flavor before?" Sammy asked as she shoved another spoonful of the salted caramel frozen yogurt into her mouth. I put some of the cookies and cream flavor in mine, laughing at my best friend.

"Because it's the flavor of the month, that's why," I said, laughing even more as she shoved another spoon full into her mouth.

"Well it's really good. I hope they decide to keep this as a permanent flavor once the month is up," she said. "Anyways, when do we want me to seduce David?" Her voice was a low whisper now, not wanting anybody to overhear us.

"I don't know. We should wait like a week or two, just to give it some time. We can come up with some dumb excuse like you wanted to make sure they were done before you made your move," I said, taking another bite of my yogurt. Sammy nodded, finishing her yogurt.

"Yeah, then we have time to figure out what I'll say to get it out of him," she said, standing up. I took the last bite of my yogurt and got up as well. We threw our bowls away and made our way out of the mall. We found my car and hopped in, getting comfortable. "We have to trick him into saying it. I can't just ask him why he cheated on Alexis." I nodded, starting up the car and heading out of the parking lot. I plugged in my phone and Sammy went to the music app to find our playlist.

"Let's go to my house first, I want to put my clothes away," Sammy said, referring to the pile of bags in the bag of my car. She reached over and turned the music up because Work From Home by Fifth Harmony was on.

Driving with Sammy and I would probably drive any normal person into a mental institution. Neither of us were bad drivers but it was more was happened inside the car then outside. The radio was always plugged into one of our phones and blasting music and we would practically be screaming out the lyrics. If we weren't doing that then we were having a pretty intense discussion about the craziest things that you could only wonder how the topic came up.

The mall wasn't that far from home and we reached our street by the end of the next song, which had been Into You by Ariana Grande.

We got her bags out of the car and entered the house. I was able to smell my mate before I saw him, sitting in the living room with the TV on. "Please don't say or do anything," Sammy begged me as she noticed him as well. She hurried up the stairs thinking that I was right behind her but Conner had decided to look my way and a silly grin sat on his face. I jokingly rolled my eyes but couldn't help the smile that appeared on my face before following Sammy upstairs to her room. I took two steps at a time so I would catch up to her and was right behind her as she opened the door to her room. "Thank you," she said as she closed the door behind us. I smile at her, plopping the bags I was carrying on the floor and flopping onto her bed.

"What now?" I asked, looking over at her as she began go hang all her new clothes up in her closet.

"We put my clothes away, then go to your house and put yours away. Then we figure out what to do because I really don't know," Sammy said, her voice briefly muffled because she was across the room.

"Sounds good to me. I'm gonna go make some sandwiches or something," I said, crawling off the bed and heading downstairs for a completely different reason then I had said. I did want food but I was also aching to see my mate, even if it was only for a few minutes.

Come into the kitchen, I mind linked him, heading in there and pulling out the bread and the food I felt like having on my sandwich. He walked in seconds later and pulled me into a tight hug, burying his nose in my neck and inhaling deeply. I wrapped my arms around this neck, the feeling of sparks erupting along my arms.

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