Chapter 1 We're all here.

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"Push!" Sage screamed as Sekhmet butted in screaming "Give up" The two words muddled into each other and came our as a slur. Sage pushed herself off the ground running up to Zenobia shaking her head as Sekhmet tried to speak for her again, "No" Sage screamed as she pushed Zenobia out of the way and thrusting her way through the door Zenobia had been trying to open for a good hour. "Sage, calm down. Thank you for opening the door but you can't let the lioness wake up again through your rage, let it sleep" Zenobia said as she placed her hand on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry, it's just getting to me now you know?" Sage pouted as she replied to Zenobia, a loud crushing sound was heard from close by, Sage then reaches for her staff, she pulls out a stubby black pole, the size of her hand, she flicks it outwards with a force revealing the true size of her weapon.

"Sekhmet, you know what to do" Sage screams before long black whiskers grow out of her cheeks, "Oh I know what to do." Sekhmet growled as she unleashed fire onto the large troll like creature ahead of Zenobia and herself, the troll smirked as the fire hit the monster.

"You dumb, I am troll. Fire no hurt that much." Sekhmet grins "Oh not that much hey? How about if I do this!" Sekhmet twirls her staff around and flicks it forward again with greater force this time the fire turned green, forcing the troll straight through one of the palaces limestone walls.

"Sage's mother is going to kill her, calm down on destroying the palace Sekhmet!" Zenobia says, "Oh beat it weakling, I'm a fucking god." Sekhmet chuckles attaching a blade to the end of her staff and throws it, it then hits the troll right in the eye, "We got him now" Sekhmet growls as she falls to the ground, the white of her eyes completely showing.

I wake up with a gasp and my head pounding like no tomorrow, "Take it easy Sage, she doesn't hold back and you know it" Zenobia says to me softly trying not to speak loud enough to hurt my head even more, "I'm glad you've always been there for me Zen-" I Chuckle softly and look up at her. "How can you hold back Bastet so well?" I ask knowing fully well that I shouldn't have.

Zenobia's nose flares but she decides to answer anyway. "Because she's an inferior god unlike yours. But we have to be kind, this god's chose us when we were younger and they have to be in a fitter body than they're used too, but they have to deal with us until we die... And if we all die than the gods will roam free again.." Zenobia's mind wonders off as she was speaking to me so I giggle. "Always like you to wonder off isn't it" I reply which makes her head snap at my direction again, "Sorry." she giggles, but her giggles are interrupted with a loud yell or roar I would more word it as my mum enters my chambers.

"SAGE!" She thunders, as I look at her fiery eyes, I know I'm either about to have the biggest lecture or get killed... Maybe even both!

She walks straight up to me smacking me across the cheek, an echoing slap is heard bouncing off the limestone walls, Zenobia stepped forward and my mum gasped at her disrespect.

"Zenobia, your father would be outraged if he saw the actions YOU just made, now kneel before me or be punished in the cruellest ways!" My mother speaks, her presence really showing her authority, "Mum, leave her alone, she has one of the gods too, she isn't just a worthless human..." I speak against my mother, smack another slap is heard echoing around the room, as my mother slaps me again, I grit my teeth and my eye starts to twitch,

"I told this worthless creature to bow! And she will or I'll make her stay on the floor permanently!" My mother yells outrages the guards standing behind her back away a bit, I wouldn't blame them I would too, she does have one of the most powerful gods in her. Zenobia's appearance starts to change and she grows ears and I look at her dumb founded that she was finally letting Bastet out, but at a time like this, my mother will have her killed for sure. I look at my mother and see her eyes and I can already see it's Nut not her, Instantly I land on the ground and bow towards her but I pass out.

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