☽ Deserve Better

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Zack, Noelle and I packed everything up and went back.

Both of them didn't see the point in leaving the perfect harmony around us but I couldn't run from my problems anymore. I had to face them.

I told them I had to go back home but that I'd meet them at the castle in an hour. Zack said he'd pick me up.

When I got home, there were police cars in my driveway.

A surge of fear rushed through my bloodstream.

What the hell happened?

I walked up the porch steps, hoping no one was hurt. Why were the police here? Did something happen to my parents? To Cassie? Her car wasn't in the driveway.

Just as I was about to open the door, a police officer opened the door and stared me down.

"Are you Maddeline Aster?"

"Yes." I was growing insanely anxious.

"She's here." The police officer called behind him into the hallway. My parents ran over to me and hugged the life out of me.

"Thank you very much, Officer Conta," My dad addressed to the grumpy police officer.

"We appreciate your patience," My mom added gratefully.

"You're welcome, we're just relieved your daughter is safe." Officer Conta and two other police officers soon left and I realized they were here for me.

Before I could start explaining, my parents blew up.

"Where have you been for the past week?"

"I told you, at a friend's house-"

"And which 'friend' is this?" Mom used air quotes around "friend".


"We've been searching the whole damn town for you." They were both fuming and I was like a deer in the headlights. I couldn't tell them the truth but I was a terrible liar.

But they were far from done, "And we found a pillow and sheets in your closet. Was there a visitor staying in this house that we should know about?"

Oh no.

I was in deep trouble now.

"What do you have to say for yourself?" Dad asked and I didn't know the right words.

I opened my mouth but no words came out. I didn't have a good explanation as to why I went missing nor why there was a pillow and sheets in my closet.

"Well?" Mom asked after a moment of dead silence.

I looked both of them in the eye.

They deserved to know where their daughter has been sneaking off to. They deserved to know who the people who took their place were. They deserved to know.

"Look, there's something I need to tell you." My fingers fidgeted and I just hoped I was doing the right thing. Maybe I should just come out and say it.

I'm sorry, Cassie, you're going to hate me forever.

"I'm the Moon Goddess." I blurted and they stared at me like I had two heads.

"The what?" Dad asked.

"I'm the Moon Goddess, I'm a reincarnation-" I wasn't explaining this right. But there wasn't really an endless supply of books that told you how to tell your parents you're a supernatural being.

The Moon Goddess [3] ✓Where stories live. Discover now