Chapter One.

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Michelle's voice floated up the stairs to my sleeping ears.

I smiled and opened my eyes.

The room was dimly lit, and warm, clothes strewn across the floor from the previous night.

I stretched and picked up my boxer shorts off the floor, pulling them on and then putting on my T-shirt before starting down the stairs.

Michelle was standing at the stove, dressed in nothing but my white button-up dress shirt.

She turned around, "Good morning." She said.

"Hi." I said going to the cabinet.

I got out two mugs, and poured us both some coffee, putting a little creamer in sugar in hers, and sitting at the table.

She turned around and slid two eggs from the frying pan onto a plate.

"Bacon?" She asked.

"Three pieces." I answered.

She gave me three, and then grabbed two for herself, sitting down in front of me.

"So, what's on the agenda for today?" She asked.

I looked out the window at the foggy New Jersey weather, "Stay as warm and dry as possible." I answered smiling.

She laughed, "That's logical, but I mean work-wise, what have you got planned for today?" She asked.

"I have to pack for tour." I replied, not looking up at her.

I knew without looking that her expression had gone from sunny to sad, kicked, puppy.

I hated the sad, kicked, puppy look.

"When are you leaving?" She whispered.

"Thursday morning." I said, finally looking up.

I'd been right, her face looked so sad it almost made me want to cry.

"I'll only be gone for a few weeks sweetie." I said.

She nodded, "I know, but it doesn't make you leaving any easier." She said sipping her coffee.

"Cheer up, this is Armor's last tour." I said with a shrug.

"That doesn't make me feel better either, I don't want you guys to split up." She said.

"Michelle, I told you, it's just not what we want anymore." I said.

She shook her head, "It's not what you want anymore. PJ, Anthony, and Nash still want this. They're just doing it because the band wouldn't be right without you." She said.

I sighed, "Michelle, I'm moving in a different direction, we're getting married. Armor For Sleep is a young band, I'm an adult now, I have to gear up and start taking responsibilities, prepare for life in the real world." I said.

"What about the past eight years hasn't been real? Ben you're 28, and you think that you're not in the real world? What kind of fairy tale are you living in?" She asked.

"Michelle, all I mean is that I'll have to learn to live the married life, it's a lot different than just dating somebody." I said.

She huffed and stood up from the table, unbuttoning the shirt and throwing it at me, "I guess we have different ideas of what the real world is."

I stared after her as she marched out of the kitchen, and listen to the faint pattern of her footsteps on the stairs.

"What are you doing?" I called.

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